Past CNSPY Bloggers

Kristen Murfin: CNSPY Guest Blogger

Meet Lydia Hoffstaetter, the CNSPY Blogger for 2016-2017!

VickieMeet Victoria Schulman, the CNSPY Blogger for 2014-2016!

Victoria is a Postdoctoral Research Associate at the Yale School of Medicine whose research interests focus on understanding the genetics and cell biology underlying many types of cancers.

She performed her graduate work at Weill Cornell Medical College in New York City, during which she successfully landed positions on advisory boards and committees at the local, state, and national levels. She served as the class representative on many Executive Board level committees on-campus, effecting positive change for the Weill Cornell graduate program. She has an extensive background working with the New York Academy of Sciences Science Alliance, STEM Mentoring Program, and Women in Science Programs. She was selected as the National Graduate Student Representative for the Conferences and Career Development Planning Committee for the Board of Directors of the Genetics Society of America. As a final highlight, she was hand-selected by the Dean to deliver the Commencement Address for the Weill Cornell graduating class of Ph.D. and M.D. students in May 2014.

She credits these and many other achievements to her networking skills that she learned while living in New York for six years and accompanying her husband, a businessman, at numerous events and functions held throughout the city.

We’re glad that she’s offered to share her views on networking with the CNSPY Membership! Catch her latest tips every Wednesday on the CNSPY Blog, and feel free to add to the discussion!

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