On Monday, October 8 th , CNSPY hosted a small group discussion on Patent Law with Laural
Boone, Ph.D., J.D.

Dr. Boone holds a Ph.D. in Organic Chemistry from the University of Chicago and a J.D. from
George Washington University. She pursued her J.D. at night while working as a Technical
Specialist at Finnegan, Henderson, Farabow, Garrett and Dunner LLP. Dr. Boone is currently an
in-house patent lawyer at Alexion. She has broad experience in legal and technical applications,
such as litigation and patent prosecution, trademarks, and product launches.

At the event, Dr. Boone discussed her career track and possible ways for scientists to transition
into patent law. Many scientists take the UPTSO exam and then work as a patent agent. You
can then go to law school while working at a law firm, and some firms will pay for your law
degree. While both patent agents and patent attorneys may write and advise on patent
applications, only patent attorneys may advise on and practice law. For those interested in
transitioning from science into patent law, Dr. Boone recommended engaging in networking
and informational interviews. Not only will this allow you to learn the lingo, but it will allow you
to develop valuable connections that may lead to possible positions. She also recommended
having a well thought out story about why you are interested in patent law and want to
transition out of academia.

CNSPY thanks Dr. Laural Boone for her time and for sharing her experience. Additionally, we
would like to thank Leah Hartman for planning this event and Kristen Murfin for writing this

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