The Yale Demography Workshop is made possible because of generous support from our sponsors, including:
The Center for the Study of American Politics (CSAP)
The Center for the Study of American Politics was created to promote the work of scholars in the field of American politics. Using a broad set of methodological approaches and enjoying the advantages of deep knowledge of American politics, Americanists have made signal contributions to our understanding of political institutions and behavior. The Yale Center for the Study of American Politics is dedicated to furthering this intellectual tradition.
CSAP provided generous seed funding for the speaker series and will co-host the February workshop with Greg Duncan.
The Center for Research on Inequalities and the Life Course (CIQLE)
The mission of the center is to support empirical research on the causes and consequences of social inequalities. Our research adopts both an inter-generational perspective, in its concern with how advantage and disadvantage is transmitted between generations, and an intra-generational perspective, focusing on the life course and human development. Much of our work is comparative in nature, across time (comparing the experiences of different birth cohorts, for example) and space (cross-national comparative research), allowing us to explore the impact of different institutional environments on the processes that generate social inequalities.
CIQLE provided generous funding and logistical support for the speaker series and will co-host the workshops with Phil Morgan, Noreen Goldman, Pamela Smock, Michael Rendall, and David Lam.
Yale Labor/Public Economics Workshop
This workshop features research in microeconomics, labor, household consumption and savings, development and demography. All graduate students and faculty are invited to attend the weekly workshop.
The Labor/Public Economics Workshop will co-host the December workshop with Bill Evans.