Sensory Physiology Labs at Yale

Collaborative projects between Slav Bagriantsev and Elena Gracheva Laboratories at Yale University

Month: March 2016

Eve gives a talk at Neuroethology

Eve went all the way to Uruguay to give a talk on mechanosensitivity at the Neuroethology meeting.

2016-03-30 Neuroethology UruguayOur postdocs go to best conferences!


Elena’s collaboration with Polina Lishko is published in Science:

Miller MR, Mannowetz N, Iavarone AT, Safavi R, Gracheva EO, Smith JF, Hill RZ, Bautista DM, Kirichok Y, Lishko PV. Unconventional endocannabinoid signalling governs sperm activation via sex hormone progesterone. Science 2016, Apr29;352(6285):555-9.

Martin Chalfie lecture

2016-03-10 Chalfie flyerA great Nahum Lecture by Martin Chalfie – hosted by Slav and Elena’s labs.

Biophysics 2016


2016-03-03 Slav Lydia Evan Biophys LA copy(Find) Evan, Slav and Lydia at Biophys 2016 in LA!

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