Everything started with a simple plea put out by the organization Fundación Amigos del Yunque. “Donación de libros,” it read, “Tópicos: ecosistemas, mundo, natural, huertos, etc.”. The Fundación hoped to create a library for children and members of the community of Rio Grande to use for research and learning about science.
As an avid reader, and lifelong consumer of all things relating to the natural world, I knew I had at least a few books I would be willing to part with for a good cause. I knew this was true of many of my friends as well, so I sent off a couple of emails and text messages and waited a few hours.
What I did not expect was the absolute outpouring of support for the book drive from people all across the community. Old professors, family and friends, some of my fellow volunteers at the Peabody, and even local educators wrote me with hopes of supporting the drive. One fellow volunteer even invited me to her home to collect books that she had purchased during her own time in Puerto Rico.

In total, over just a three short weeks, we were able to collect *170* books, including 15 textbooks. We still had donations pouring in, but unfortunately, I had to get prepared to leave for Puerto Rico myself before I could finish collecting everything. In the fall when I return to New Haven, I hope to run a larger-scale collection with some local community organizations.
If you are interested in contributing to the book drive, you may contact me directly and we can arrange a pick-up when I get back, or you may ship items to me in Puerto Rico for the next few weeks. I am also looking for places to serve as drop-offs in Connecticut. Every book helps!