22–25 August, 2018
Mountain Echoes: Himalayan Literature Festival
Thimphu, Bhutan | Festival Website
Details coming soon.
9 May, 2018
The Greatest Story Ever Told: Meditators, Madmen, and the Making of a Buddhist Saint
Center for the Humanities, International Campus, Zhejiang University
Details coming soon.
4–5 May, 2018
Moving Borders: Tibet in Interaction with Its Neighbors
Asia Society, New York | Symposium Website
Keynote Lecture — “Peripheral Visions: An Indian Buddha in the Tibetan Imaginaire”
in conjunction with the exhibition Unknown Tibet: The Tucci Expeditions and Tibetan Painting
28–29 April, 2018
New Directions in the Study of Tibetan Buddhist Art History
Harvard-Yenching Institute | Harvard University
“Painting Manuals (bris yig) as Transmedial Texts”
25–29 January, 2018
Jaipur Literature Festival
Diggi Palace, Jaipur, India| Festival Website
“Milarepa: The Master and His Teachings”
23 October, 2017
Narrative Paintings from Central Asia to the Himalaya
Musée Cernuschi, Paris | Conference Website
“Writing the Visual: Translating Buddha Life Narratives from Text into Image.”
15–17 September, 2017
Jaipur Literary Festival at Boulder
Boulder, CO | Official Website
“The Life of Milarepa: From Text to Practice”
20–25 August, 2017
International Association of Buddhist Studies XVIIIth Congress
University of Toronto | Conference Website
“Illuminating Carefree Awareness: Tibetan Poetry Collections and the Landscape of Self”
Literatures of Contemplation (panel organizer)
31 May—3 June, 2017
Tibetan Translation and Transmission Conference
University of Colorado, Boulder | Conference Website
“Fidelity & Innovation in Translation”
“Translating Tibetan Poetry & Poetics: Kāvya in Tibet”
12–14 May, 2017
Religion and the Literary in Tibet Workshop
Tibetan Poetry and Poetics (workshop organizer)
10th in a continuing series of workshops on Tibetan literature
Latse Library, New York
More information HERE
19 November, 2016
The Digital Futures of Religious Studies
“Desegregating Digital Humanities Research and Teaching”
American Academy of Religion
San Antonio, TX
6 October, 2016
Visit to Yale by HH Tai Situpa
Public address to the Yale and New Haven Community
16 September, 2016
Life of the Buddha in the 2016 Yale ITS Annual Report
“Piecing Together the Life of the Buddha”
25 June, 2016
Frontier Lamas and Monastic Networks in the Himalayan Borderlands
Panel on “Trans-Himalayan Corridors” organized by Hildegard Diemberger and Andrew Quintman
International Association of Tibetan Studies, Bergen, Norway
May 6, 2016, 6:30 PM
The Life of the Buddha in Literature, Art, and Institution
Yale Center Beijing | More Information
8 Jianguomenwai Ave, 36th Floor, Tower B, IFC Building
“Yale Center Beijing Launches ‘Asia in the World’ Lecture Series” (Yale News)
Slideshow from the Council on East Asian Studies
May 5, 2016
How to Read the Life of a Buddhist Saint
Renmin University
April 12, 2016, 9:00 AM
Universities as Agents of Sustainable Conservation
UN Global Colloquium on the Preservation of Cultural Heritage | More Information
Zhang Auditorium, Yale SOM
March 31, 2016, 4:30 PM
Putting the Buddha to Work: Śākyamuni in the Service of Tibetan Monastic Identity
South Asia Seminar Talk | More Information
University of Chicago
Foster Hall 103
February 12, 2016
The Yogin and the Madman receives Honorable Mention in the 2016 Association of Asian Studies’ E. Gene Smith Book Prize.
December 21, 2015
The Life of Milarepa is available for the first time in audiobook form HERE.
October 17-18, 2015
Religion and the Literary in Tibet Workshop (year 5)
University of California, Berkeley
Continuation of a long-term project. More info HERE.
September 10, 2015, 7:00 pm
The Making of Milarepa
Public talk at Tibet House
22 West 15th St, New York, NY
There is a suggested donation but I have requested that all proceeds go toward earthquake relief in Nepal.
Information HERE.
July 3-5, 2015
Buddhism on the Edge: Locating Premodern Religion on the Himalayan Frontier
Conference on Exploring New Grounds in Himalayan Studies
Yunnan Minzu University, Kunming, China, 3-5 July 2015
June 1, 2015
Recipient of 2-year Ho-ACLS Collaborative Research Grant in Buddhist Studies for “The Life of the Buddha at Jonang Monastery: Art, Literature, and Institution”
May 28, 2015
The Yogin and the Madman receives Yale University’s 2015 Samuel and Ronnie Heyman Prize for outstanding scholarship
April 16-17
Illuminating the Yogin’s Path: Manuscript Illustrations in Tibetan Biography
Conference on Books and Readers in the Pre-Modern World
University of Virginia, 16-17 April 2015
April 6-10
Visit to Yale by HH the 17th Karmapa Ogyen Trinley Dorje
Campus visit and Chubb Fellowship Lecture
February 17, 2015
The Buddhas of Jonang: Literature and Art in the Creation of a Tibetan Monastery
Yale Himalaya Initiative Seminar Series, Yale University
Room 202, Luce Hall, 34 Hillhouse Ave
December 8-10, 2014
Borderland Buddhism: Locating Pre-Modern Religion in/on the Himalayan Frontier
(roundtable discussion on Border Politics, Identities, and Scholarship Across the Himalayas—a Further Call for “Critical Border Studies”)
Asian Borderlands Research Network Conference, Hong Kong, 8-10 December 2014
November 23, 2014
The Yogin and the Madman receives the American Academy of Religion’s 2014 Award for Excellence in the Study of Religion–Textual Studies
American Academy of Religion
San Diego, 22-25 November 2014
November 7, 2014
Manuscripts in a Xylographic World: Notes on Tsangnyön Heruka’s Lost Block Prints
Symposium on the Tibetan Book
University of Virginia, 6-8 November 2014
October 4, 2014, 4:30 pm
Translating Poetic and Inspirational Materials
Translation and Transmission Conference
Keystone, Colorado, 2-5 October 2014
October 1, 2014, 5:00 pm
The Making of Milarepa
A book talk on The Yogin and the Madman: Reading the Biographical Corpus of Tibet’s Great Saint Milarepa
University of Colorado, Boulder
British Studies Room, Norlin Library
Free and open to the public
May 29, 2014, 6:30 pm
The Yogin and the Madman: On Writing and Reading Tibet’s Greatest Liberation Tale
A book talk on The Yogin and the Madman: Reading the Biographical Corpus of Tibet’s Great Saint Milarepa
Lhatse Library
Trace Foundation, 132 Perry St., Suite 2B, New York, NY
Free and open to the public
April 5-6, 2014
Self and Religious Subjectivities (panel discussant)
Modern South Asia Workshop, Yale University
March 16, 2014
Histories of Himalayan Buddhism (panel convener)
Buddhism on the Border: Institutional History and the Formation of Religious Tradition on the Frontier of Tibet and Nepal (paper presentation)
The Himalaya and Tibet in the North American Classroom, panel participant
Himalayan Studies Conference, Yale University, 14-16 March 2014
January 31, 2014, 2:00 – 3:00 pm
The Yogin and the Madman: On Writing and Reading Tibet’s Greatest Liberation Tale
A book talk on The Yogin and the Madman: Reading the Biographical Corpus of Tibet’s Great Saint Milarepa
International Room, Sterling Memorial Library, Yale University
December 16-18, 2013
Geographical Narratives, Narrative Geographies: Transformations of Lives and Landscapes on the Himalayan Borderlands
Putative Purities: Transcultural Dimensions of Master Narratives in Religion, Heidelberg University
November 23, 2013
4th Seminar on Religion and the Literary in Tibet
American Academy of Religion, Baltimore
November 12, 2013
Literature, Art, and Institution: Religious Studies Collaborations in Bhutan
Environment, Livelihood and Culture: A Round Table Discussion on Collaborative Research Partnerships in Bhutan
Yale Himalaya Initiative Seminar, Yale University
July 25, 2013
Śākyamuni in the Service of Jo nang: Tāranāta’s Jo bo Phyogs las rnam rgyal
International Association of Tibetan Studies 2013, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
April 29, 2013
Life of the Buddha at Jonang Monastery: Literature, Art, and Institution
Annual Tibetan Collection Lecture, Newark Museum of Art
March 9-10, 2013
Himalayan Connections: Disciplines, Geographies, Trajectories
An interdisciplinary workshop at Yale University
workshop link
workshop report & video proceedings