
Current members

Rui Ma (Postdoc) is a physicist (theoretician) who worked on molecular motors during his PhD under the supervision of Frank Jülicher (Max Planck Institute – Physics of Complex Systems, Dresden, Germany).

Ronan Fernandez (Lab manager/Research associate) was trained as a plant biologist. He obtained his PhD at Université Paris XI (France) and did a postdoc at Yale University.

Mike Lacy (PhD student) is a BBSB and PEB graduate student.  Before joining the Berro lab, Mike used single molecule techniques to probe the folding of α-synucleins in Liz Rhoades’ lab.

Neal Ravindra (PhD student) is a BBSB and PEB graduate student. Neal initially trained in Physics at University of Notre Dame (Indiana).

Xiaobai Li (PhD student) is a Chemistry graduate student. Xiaobai initially trained in Chemistry and Mathematics at Emory University.

Ruchira Ray (Undergraduate student, Yale ’21) 

Mimi Kostoska (Undergraduate student, Yale ’21)


Berro lab alums

Sabina Haque (Undergrad, Middlebury College ’18; summer 2017): now a senior.

Michael Najem (Undergrad, Yale University ’20; summer 2017): now a sophomore

Stephanie Warnken (Colgate University ’16; summer 2015): now a PhD student at George Washington University, DC.

Caitlin Anderson (Undergrad, Wartburg College ’15, summer 2014): now a PhD student at University of Chicago.

Annie Bui (Undergrad, Yale ’17, summer 2014)

Marianne Grafe (Master student, Universität Potsdam ’14, spring/summer 2014): now a PhD student in Ralph Gräf’s lab at Universität Potsdam (Germany)

Joël Lemière (Postdoc, 2014-2018): now a postdoc at UCSF.