Metallic Glass – glassy structures of metallic components

Hi Class! This week, we talked about crystal structures versus glassy structures. For crystals, we know there have to be nucleus forming followed by diffusion and subsequent growth to form very ordered atomic structures. And Prof. Gonzalez mentioned if we have a highly viscous liquid, complex crystal structure, and cooled rapidly, formation of glasses will be favorable. After class, I learned that normally crystalline metals can also form glassy structures if they are cooled down very rapidly. I am gonna introduce in this week’s blog this new kind of materials, metallic glasses.

In the past, small batches of amorphous metals with high surface area configurations (ribbons, wires, films, etc.) have been produced through the implementation of extremely rapid rates of cooling. This was initially termed “splat cooling” by doctoral student W. Klement at Caltech, who showed that cooling rates on the order of millions of degrees per second is sufficient to impede the formation of crystals, and the metallic atoms become “locked into” a glassy state. Amorphous metal wires have been produced by sputtering molten metal onto a spinning metal disk. More recently a number of alloys have been produced in layers with thickness exceeding 1 millimeter. These are known as bulk metallic glasses (BMG).  Figure 1 shows the TTT diagram of a metallic glass. Crystallization rate is determined by the competing effects of undercooling and reaction kinetics. Note supercooled liquid region exists between the melting and glass transition temperatures over time periods not exceeding that required for crystal nucleation.

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Figure 1.Schematic time temperature transformation (TTT) diagram for metallic glasses.

Lacking the dislocations and grain boundaries inherent in crystalline materials, metallic glasses exhibit physical properties representative of a completely new paradigm in materials science. Without the premature deformation of slip, elastic strain may regularly approach 2% thereby facilitating strength and hardness values which are far beyond those of crystalline metals. (Figure 2) According to literatures, the Young’s Modulus of metallic glasses can exceed that of metals. Further to such desirable mechanical properties, metallic glasses exhibit a full range of toughness values, low mechanical damping, good corrosion resistance and high magnetic permeability coupled with low coercivity to give superior soft magnetic properties.

Figure 2. Schematic representation of room temperature yield (metals, composites and polymers) or flexural strength (ceramics) as a function of modulus

In a nutshell, as a class of materials, amorphous metallic materials uniquely
combine high strength and resilience coupled with improved corrosion resistance and the ability to be superplastically formed at relatively low temperature.

  1. Klement, Jr., W.; Willens, R. H.; Duwez, Pol (1960). “Non-crystalline Structure in Solidified Gold-Silicon Alloys”. Nature. 187(4740): 869. 
  2. Liebermann, H.; Graham, C. (1976). “Production of Amorphous Alloy Ribbons and Effects of Apparatus Parameters on Ribbon Dimensions”. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics. 12(6): 921. 
  3. Burgess, Tim, and Michael Ferry. “Nanoindentation of metallic glasses.” Materials Today12.1-2 (2009): 24-32.

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