by AngelHsu | Dec 3, 2010 | China, Climate
“China is still very hurt from last year’s Copenhagen talks,” the lead of the Chinese youth delegation, Lina Li, told me yesterday on one of the many buses shuttling this year’s participants at the UN Climate Summit in Cancun. Her statement...
by AngelHsu | Dec 3, 2010 | Data, Remote Sensing
While climate negotiators were busy discussing the role of forests in the Cancun climate negotiations, Google was launching its Earth Engine – a practical tool to help countries obtain information about their forests, which are critical carbon sinks, easily and...
by AngelHsu | Dec 3, 2010 | China, Climate, Energy
Our piece, “Commentary: Sector-based Approaches to Measuring and Managing Greenhouse Gas Emissions: China’s Cement Industry,” by Angel Hsu, Neelam Singh, and Ranping Song was finally published in Vol. 11 of the China Environment Forum, which features a...
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