Hi friends! A group of fellow students and I recently submitted a proposal in the ‘Shifting Cultures for a Changing Climate’ in the MIT Climate Co-Lab competition to create a virtual green pet named CliO (Climate Organism) that will encourage users to make more low-carbon lifestyle choices. Think Tamagotchi meets climate change. While geared toward younger users, the app can be fun and informative for all ages. The idea is that CliO will respond, gain “happiness levels,” and earn points depending on what low-carbon choices you make. We thought that making a cute character would endear younger users to understand climate change and then pester their parents to carpool more often, or remember to bring reusable bags to the grocery store, and unplug unused appliances. We figure that kids sometimes are greater sources of peer pressure than peers, and perhaps as kids grow alongside their CliO pets, they’ll become more actively engaged citizens to reduce their individual carbon footprints.
While CliO is simply a hope and dream of the imagination at this point, we put together a simple prototype of what CliO might look like. Check out this video Omar Malik and I put together to introduce the world to our little Climate Organism.
<iframe src=”http://player.vimeo.com/video/68395381″ width=”400″ height=”300″ frameborder=”0″ webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen></iframe>
If you enjoyed the video, please check our proposal page and support us! It’ll only take a few minutes and if we win, CliO could become a reality!
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