Measured Insights
The latest blog posts from our research projects.
Groundswell Coalition Releases New Suite of Climate Action Resources
Above: Resources tracking different themes of climate action on the Action Agenda website. On June 23 and 24, national and international delegates, business leaders, mayors, and civil society organizations will gather in Rabat, Morocco, for the First Alliances and...

Meet Kaiyang Xu
Above: Kai and F&ES classmate Andrew Moffat at the Renewable Energy Industries Forum 2015 in Washington, D.C. Hailing from Harbin (哈尔滨市), the capital of China’s Heilongjiang (黑龙江) province – known as the “Ice City” for its extremely cold winters – Xu Kaiyang (Kai)...

A New Air Pollution Database Is Good, but Imperfect
This post originally appeared in Scientific American. Image: Smog shrouds Beijing's Forbidden City Credit: By Brian Jeffery Beggerly via Wikimedia Commonsunder Creative Commons license By Angel Hsu, David Wong, Carlin...

New Report Assesses Challenges of the World’s Largest Voluntary Climate Action Platform- NAZCA
Yale’s Data-Driven Environmental Solutions Group, in partnership with the French Agency for Environment and Energy Management (ADEME), has released a new report, Understanding NAZCA: Challenges and Future of the World’s Largest Voluntary Climate Action Platform, which clarifies the picture that NAZCA paints. The analysis breaks down which categories of climate actions and actors represented on NAZCA; synthesizes central themes reflected in the data; describes the platform’s weakness and main challenges; and provides recommendations for NAZCA’s future direction.

Four Charts that Explain Climate Actions from Cities and Companies
As more than 160 leaders gather in New York City for Earth Day’s largely symbolic Paris Climate Agreement signing, critical support from companies, investors, civil society and sub-national governments, including cities and regions, should not be forgotten. In Paris...

Meet Ryan Thomas
Above: Ryan in Tanzania, interviewing a village leader (left) about residents using solar-powered lighting in their homes. Ryan is an urban planning researcher with interests in sustainability and monitoring and evaluation. His education, work experience, and research...

Data-Driven Yale Releases Global Analysis of City, Corporate Climate Actions
At the UN this week envoys from more than 130 nations, including 60 world leaders, will convene to sign the Paris Climate Change Agreement. This historic deal, achieved during global climate talks last December, was bolstered by contributions from hundreds of city...

Translating the Paris Agreement into Action in India
In the words of Christiana Figueres, the Executive Secretary of United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), “COP21 was a success, but that was the easy part.” COP21, otherwise know as the Paris Climate Conference, generated the first legally...

HIRING! Research Assistants, Graphic Designers
Yale Data-Driven Solutions Group Research Assistants and Graphic Designers Yale Data-Driven Solutions Group Research Assistants General Purpose Data-Driven Yale is seeking student research assistants to contribute a range of projects aimed to bring quantitative...

Decoupling Development and Dirty Air
This post originally appeared on World Economic Forum Agenda Forum. Photo credit: A hazy view of Shanghai, China By Aly Song/REUTERS This post was co-written and compiled by Carlin Rosengarten and Angel Hsu. As the world is becoming wealthier, the air we...
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