Selected Publications
Refereed Journal articles
(bolded names are Data-Driven Yale members)
Hsu, A., A.J. Weinfurter, K. Xu, and S. Wnuck. “Aligning climate actions from local to global.” Climactic Change. In Review.
Hsu, A., Y. Cheng, A. Weinfurter, K. Xu, and C. Yick. (2016). Track climate pledges of cities and companies. Nature 532: 303-305.
Hsu, A., A.S. Moffat, A.J. Weinfurter, and J.D. Schwartz. “Towards a New Climate Diplomacy.” Nature Climate Change 5, 501–503 (2015).
Chan, S., van Asselt, H., Hale, T., Abbott, K., Beisheim, M., Hoffmann, M., Guy, B., Höhne, Hsu, A., Pattberg, P., Pauw, P., Ramstein, C., and Widerberg, O. (2015). Reinvigorating International Climate Policy: A Comprehensive Framework for Effective Nonstate Action. Global Policy (November 2015),
Hsu, A. (2015). Measuring Policy Analytical Capacity for the Environment: A Case for Engaging New Actors. Policy and Society, Volume 34, Issues 3–4, September–December 2015, 197–208. http://doi:10.1016/j.polsoc.2015.09.003.
Malik, O., A. Hsu, L. Johnson, and A. de Sherbinin. (2015) An Indicator of Global Wastewater Treatment to Inform the Sustainable Development Goals. Environmental Science and Policy, 48: 172-185.
Hsu, A., O. Malik, L. Johnson, and D.C. Esty. (2014). Mobilize citizens to track sustainability. Nature, vol. 508:33-35. doi:10.1038/508033a
Hsu, A. (2013). Limitations and Challenges of Provincial Environmental Protection Bureaus in China’s Environmental Monitoring, Reporting, and Verification. Environmental Practice, 15(3): 280-292.
Hsu, A., A. de Sherbinin, and H. Shi. (2012). Seeking truth from facts: the challenge of environmental indicator development in China. Environmental Development. 3: 39-51.
Hsu, A., A. Lloyd, and J.W. Emerson. (2013). What progress have we made since Rio? The 2012 Environmental Performance Index (EPI) and Pilot Trend EPI. Environmental Science and Policy, vol 33:171–185.
Hsu, A. A. Reuben, D. Shindell, A. de Sherbinin, and M. Levy. (2013). Toward the Next Generation of Air Quality Monitoring. Atmospheric Environment. Atmospheric Environment, 80:561-570.
Book chapters
Hsu, A. 2015. Seeing through the Smog: China’s Air Pollution Challenge for East Asia. In Paul G. Harris and Graeme Lang (Eds.), Routledge Handbook of Environment and Society in Asia. London: Routledge.
Edited volumes
Hsu, A., H. Hung, N. Pirrone, J. Engel-Cox and K.W. Bowman, eds. 2013. Special Issue Section: Toward the Next Generation of Air Pollutant Monitoring and Indicators. Atmospheric Environment, vol. 80.
Book reviews
Hsu, A. 2014. China’s Environmental Policy and Urban Development, edited by Joyce Yanyun Man. Journal of Regional Science, 54:4: 719-721.
Hsu, A., et al. (2016). The 2016 Environmental Performance Index. Yale University: New Haven, CT.
Hsu, A. N. Hoehne, Y. Cheng, A. Weinfurter, M. Hagemann, A. Moffat and K. Xu. (2015). Inaugural Report of the 1 Gigaton Coalition: Filling the Gap – Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency. Available here for download.
Hsu A., K. Xu, A. Weinfurter, and S. Wnuck. (2015). The Global Impact of Sub-national Climate Action. White paper with R-20 Regions for Climate Change, The Stanley Foundation, and USC Schwarzenegger Global Policy Institute. Available:
Hsu, A. K. Xu, and A. Moffat. (2015). Correspondence: China’s emissions are a mystery. Nature: 523:158 (09 July 2015).
ICSU, ISSC (2015): Review of the Sustainable Development Goals: The Science Perspective. Paris: International Council for Science (ICSU). (Contributing author).
Hsu, A., J. Emerson, M. Levy, A. de Sherbinin, L. Johnson, O. Malik, J. Schwartz, and M. Jaiteh. (2014). The 2014 Environmental Performance Index. New Haven, CT: Yale Center for Environmental Law and Policy. Available:
Hsu, A., L. Johnson, and A. Lloyd. 2013. Measuring Progress: A Practical Guide from the Developers of the Environmental Performance Index. New Haven: Yale Center for Environmental Law and Policy. Available:
Emerson, J., A. Hsu, M. Levy, A. de Sherbinin, V. Mara, D. Esty, and M. Jaiteh. 2012. 2012 Environmental Performance Index and Pilot Trend Environmental Performance Index. New Haven: Yale Center for Environmental Law and Policy. Available:
Yale Center for Environmental Law and Policy, Center for International Earth Science Information Network at Columbia University, Chinese Academy for Environmental Planning, and the City University of Hong Kong. 2011. “Towards a China Environmental Performance Index.”
Hsu, A., N. Singh, and R.P. Song. “Sector-based approaches to Measuring and Managing Greenhouse Gas Emissions: A Case of the Chinese Cement Industry.” China Environment Forum: China and the Climate Change Challenge, Vol. 11.
Newton, A. and A. Hsu. 2009. “EU Collaboration with China in Environmental Capacity Building” in Lectures on China’s Environment: Yale F&ES Publication Series Report 20, edited by X. Lee. Pp. 19-28.
Fransen, T., P. Bhatia, and A. Hsu. 2007. The Greenhouse Gas Protocol Initiative: Measuring to Manage: A Guide to Designing GHG Accounting and Reporting Programs. Washington, D.C.: World Resources Institute.
Hsu, A. and C. Rosengarten. 2016. 2016 Environmental Rankings Show Declining Air Quality and Collapsing Fish Stocks. The Huffington Post. February 1. Available:
Hsu, A. and A. Weinfurter. 2015.Paris climate talks need business to move beyond greenwash and empty promises. The Guardian. July 10.
Hsu, A. and W. Miao. 2014. Soil Pollution in China Still a State Secret Despite Recent Survey. June 18.
Hsu, A. and A. Zomer. 2014. An interactive air-pollution map. The Atlantic. June 11.
Hsu, A. and J.D. Schwartz. 2014. China-India Smog Rivalry a Sign of Global Menace. Scientific American. March 26.
Hsu, A. 2013. “Does the Environment Need Big Data?” The Huffington Post. July 9.
Hsu, A. and W. Miao. 2013. “28,000 Rivers Disappeared in China: What Happened?” The Atlantic. April 29.
Hsu, A. 2012. “Can a New Smartphone App Hold Leaders More Accountable in the Doha Climate Talks?” The Huffington Post.
Hsu, A., Smith, J. and M. Song. 2011. “Chinese experts discuss absolute emissions in Durban.” ChinaFAQs. December 6.
Hsu, A. 2011. “Propelling the Durban climate talks – China announces willingness to consider legally-binding commitments post-2020.” ChinaFAQs. December 6.
Hsu, A., Song, M. and J. Smith. 2011. “Bridging gaps in Durban – what can China do?” ChinaFAQs. December 2.
Seligsohn, D. and A. Hsu. 2011. “Looking to Durban: China’s climate progress since Cancun.” ChinaFAQs. November 23.
Hsu, A. 2011. “Clearing the Haze.” China Dialogue. October 19. ** This article was one of the Top-10 most read on China Dialogue in 2011.
Hsu, A. and Y. Zhao. 2011. “Talking Tactics: China’s performance in Cancún points to a new, more conciliatory climate diplomacy from a country that knows the sharp end of the blame game.” China Dialogue. January 27.
Seligsohn, D. and A. Hsu. 2011. “What to expect on climate change and energy in China in 2011.” Grist. January 6.
Hsu, A. and Y. Zhao. 2010. “Game-change or no-change? What to make of China in Cancun.” ChinaFAQs Expert blog. December 10.
Hsu, A. 2010. “Account of the Tianjin Climate Talks: Of Pigs and Mirrors – The Breakdown of the U.S.-China Dialogue in Tianjin.” The Atlantic. October 15, 2010.
Hsu, A. et al. 2009. “China in Copenhagen,” series of analytical pieces following the Chinese negotiation position at UNFCCC Conference of Parties (COP-15) in Copenhagen, Denmark. Featured on and