Links to papers follow citations; “+” indicates student co-author
Shaw, J. A., & Kawahara, S. 2018. Predictability and phonology: past, present and future. Linguistic Vanguard, 4(S2), 1-11. pdf
Shaw, J.A., & Kawahara, S. 2018. Assessing surface phonological specification through simulation and classification of phonetic trajectories. Phonology, 35(3), 481-522. doi:10.1017/S0952675718000131 pdf
Shaw, J. A., Best, C. T., Docherty, G., Evans, B. G., Foulkes, P., Hay, J., & Mulak, K. E. 2018. Resilience of English vowel perception across regional accent variation. Laboratory Phonology: Journal of the Association for Laboratory Phonology,9(1), 11. doi: (open access)
Shaw, J. A., & Kawahara, S. 2018. The lingual articulation of devoiced/u/in Tokyo Japanese. Journal of Phonetics, 66, 100-119. pdf
Shaw, J. A., & Kawahara, S. 2018. Consequences of High Vowel Deletion for Syllabification in Japanese. Paper presented at the Annual Meetings on Phonology (AMP 2017), New York University. Proceedings available online.
+Moore, J., Shaw, J.A., Kawahara, S., & Arai, T. 2018. Articulation strategies for English liquids used by Japanese speakers. Acoustical Science and Technology, 39(2), 75-83. Available online.
Kawahara, S., and J. A. Shaw. 2018. The Persistence of Prosody. In Hana-bana: A Festschrift for Junko Ito and Armin Mester, eds. Ryan Bennett, Andrew Angeles, Adrian Brasoveanu, Dhyana Buckley, Nick Kalivoda, Shigeto Kawahara, Grant McGuire, and Jaye Padgett. Santa Cruz, CA: UCSC Linguistics Research Center. Available at .
Shaw, J.A. and S. Kawahara. 2017. Effects of Surprisal and Entropy on vowel duration in Japanese. Language and Speech. 1-35. pdf
+Blackwood Ximenes, A., J.A. Shaw, C. Carignan. 2017. A comparison of acoustic and articulatory methods for analyzing vowel differences across dialects: Data from American and Australian English. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 142, 363-377; doi: pdf
+Ying, J., C. Carignan, J.A. Shaw, M. Proctor, D. Derrick, C. Best. 2017. Temporal dynamics of lateral channel formation in /l/: 3D EMA data from Australian English. Interspeech 2017, [ed] Włodarczak, Marcin, International Speech Communication Association (ISCA), Stokholm, Sweden, 2978-2982. pdf
Shaw, J.A., W. Chen, M. Proctor, D. Derrick. 2016. Influences of tone on vowel articulation in Mandarin Chinese. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 59, S1566-S1574, DOI: 10.1044/2015_JSLHR-S-15-0031. pdf
+Nguyen, N., J.A. Shaw, R.T. Pinkus, C.T. Best. 2016. Intergroup Dynamics in Speech Perception: Interaction Among Experience, Attitudes and Expectations. University of Pennsylvania Working Papers in Linguistics: Vol. 22:2 (selected papers from NWAV 44), Article 16, 12 pgs. link to full text
+Blackwood-Ximenes, A. J.A. Shaw, C. Carignan. 2016. Tongue positions corresponding to formant values in Australian English vowels. Proceedings of the 15th Australasian International Conference on Speech Science and Technology, Western Sydney University, Australia, 1-5. (SST Outstanding Student Paper Award winner) pdf
Shaw, J. A. and A.I. Gafos. 2015. Stochastic Time Models of Syllable Structure. PloS one, 10(5), e0124714., 36pgs. pdf
Best, C.T., J.A. Shaw, G. Docherty, B. Evans, P. Foulkes, J. Hay, J. Al-Tamimi, K. Mair, K.E. Mulak, S. Wood 2015. From Newcastle MOUTH to Aussie ears: Australians’ perceptual assimilation and adaptation for Newcastle UK vowels. Proceedings of the 15th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association. Dresden, Germany, 1932-1936. pdf
+ Nguyen, N., J.A. Shaw, M. Tyler, R. Pinkus, C.Best. 2015. Affective attitudes towards Asians influence perception of Asian-accented vowels. Proceedings of the 18th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences. Glasgow, UK: the University of Glasgow. ISBN 978-0-85261-941-4. Paper number 561, 4pgs. (LabPhon Outstanding Student Paper special mention) pdf
+Peretokina, V., C. Best, M. Tyler, J.A. Shaw, B. Di Biase. 2015. Perception of English codas in various phonological and morphological contexts by Mandarin learners of English. Proceedings of the 18th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences. Glasgow, UK: the University of Glasgow. ISBN 978-0-85261-941-4. Paper number 603, 4pgs. pdf
Best, C., J.A. Shaw, K. Mulak, G. Docherty, P. Foulkes, J. Hay B. Evans. 2015. Perceiving and adapting to regional accent differences among vowel subsystems. Proceedings of the 18th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences. Glasgow, UK: the University of Glasgow. ISBN 978-0-85261-941-4. Paper number 964, 4pgs. pdf
Davis, C., J.A. Shaw, M. Proctor, D. Derrick, +S. Sherwood, J. Kim. 2015. Examining speech production using masked priming. Proceedings of the 18th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences. Glasgow, UK: the University of Glasgow. ISBN 978-0-85261-941-4. Paper number 560, 4pgs. pdf
Shaw, J.A., C. Han, +Y. Ma. 2014. Surviving truncation: informativity at the interface of morphology and phonology. Morphology,24:4, 407-432. pdf
Gafos A., S., Charlow, J.A. Shaw, P. Hoole. 2014. Stochastic time analysis of syllable-referential intervals and simplex onsets. Journal of Phonetics, 44:1, 152-166. pdf
Shaw, J.A., C.T. Best, K. Mulak, G. Docherty, B. Evans, P. Foulkes, and J. Hay. 2014. Effects of short-term exposure to unfamiliar regional accents: Australians’ categorization of London and York English consonants. Proceedings of the 14th Australasian International Conference on Speech Science and Technology, University of Canterbury, New Zealand, 72-75. pdf
+Nguyen N. and J.A. Shaw. 2014. Why the SQUARE vowel is the most variable in Sydney. Proceedings of the 14th Australasian International Conference on Speech Science and Technology, University of Canterbury, New Zealand, 37-40. pdf
+Wright S., J.A. Shaw, C.T. Best, G. Docherty, B. Evans, P. Foulkes, J. Hay, and K. Mulak 2014. Improvements to vowel categorization in non-native regional accents resulting from multiple-versus single-talker training: A computational approach. Proceedings of the 14th Australasian International Conference on Speech Science and Technology, University of Canterbury, New Zealand, 124-127. (SST Outstanding Student Paper Award winner) pdf
Shaw, J.A., W. Chen, M. Proctor, D. Derrick, and E. Dakhoul. 2014. On the inter-dependence of tonal and vocalic production goals in Chinese. 10th International Seminar on Speech Production, Cologne, Germany, 399-402. pdf
Shaw J.A. 2013. The phonetics of hyper-active feet: effects of stress priming on speech planning and production. Laboratory Phonology 4:1, 159-189. pdf
Shaw, J.A., M. Tyler, B. Kasisopa, Y. Ma, M. Proctor, C. Han, D. Derrick, and D. Burnham. 2013. Vowel identity conditions the time course of tone recognition. Proceedings of the 14th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association. Lyon, France, 3142-3146. pdf
Best, C, Shaw, J.A. and +E. Clancy. 2013. Recognizing words across regional accents: The role of perceptual assimilation in lexical competition. Proceedings of the 14th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association. Lyon, France, 2128-2132. pdf
+Ying, J., J.A. Shaw, and C. Best. 2013. L2 English Learners’ Recognition of Words Spoken in Familiar versus Unfamiliar English Accents. Proceedings of the 14th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association. Lyon, France, 2208-2112. pdf
Davidson, L. and J.A. Shaw. 2012. Sources of illusion in consonant cluster perception. Journal of Phonetics 40:2, 234-248. pdf
Shaw, J.A., 2012. Metrical rhythm in speech planning: priming or predictability, proceedings of the 14th Australasian International Conference on Speech Science and Technology, Macquarie University, Sydney, 145-148. pdf
+Ying, J, J.A. Shaw, C. Kroos, and C. Best. 2012. Relations between acoustic and articulatory measurements of /l/, proceedings of the 14th Australasian International Conference on Speech Science and Technology, 109-112.
Shaw J.A., A.I. Gafos, P. Hoole, C. Zeroual. 2011. Dynamic invariance in the phonetic expression of syllable structure: a case study of Moroccan Arabic consonant clusters. Phonology 28:3, 455-290. pdf
Shaw J.A. and L. Davidson. 2011. Perceptual similarity in input-output mappings: a computational/experimental study of non-native speech production. Lingua 121, 1344-1358. pdf
Shaw J.A. and A. Gafos. 2010. Quantitative evaluation of competing syllable parses. Proceedings of the 11th Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics Special Interest Group on Computational Morphology and Phonology, Uppsala, Sweden, 54-62. pdf
Shaw J.A. and R. Balusu. 2010. Language contact and phonological contrast: the case of coronal affricates in Japanese loans. In Hasselblatt C., B. de Jonge, M. Norde (eds.): Language Contact, 155-180. Amsterdam: Johns Benjamins. pre-publication manuscript
Shaw J.A., A.I. Gafos, P. Hoole, C. Zeroual. 2009. Syllabification in Moroccan Arabic: evidence from patterns of temporal stability in articulation. Phonology 26:1, 187-215. pdf
Shaw, J.A. 2009. Compensatory lengthening via mora preservation in OT-CC: theory and predictions. In M. Abdurrahman, A. Schardl, and M. Walkow (eds.): Proceedings of the 38th meeting of the North East Linguistic Society. 297-310. Amherst, Ma: GLSA. pdf
Davidson, L., J.A. Shaw and T. Adams. 2007. The effect of word learning on the perception of non-native consonant sequences. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 122:6, 3697-3709. pdf
Shaw. J.A. 2007. /ti/~/tSi/ contrast preservation in Japanese loans is parasitic on segmental cues to prosodic structure. In Trouvain, J. and W. Barry (eds.): Proceedings of the 16th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences. Saabrücken, Germany, 1365-1368. pdf