Selected Talks

Invited Lectures

“Medieval Manuscripts and Literary Forms,” Beinecke Library Lectures in the History of the Book, Yale University, 23 March 2010.

“Pictorial Narrative and Narrative Pictures in Pearl,” Medieval Doctoral Conference, Harvard University, 11 March 2010.

“Reading the Forms of Sir Thopas,” Conference on Editorial Problems:  Manuscripts and the Forms of Middle English Literary Texts, University of Toronto, 6-8 November 2009.

“Forms of Reading in the Book of Brome,” Interdisciplinary Medieval Studies Colloquium, University of Virginia, 12 March 2009.

“Miscellaneous Performances in the Book of Brome,” Michigan Medieval Seminar, University of Michigan, 19 September 2008.

“Private Reading and Public Performance,” Faculty Panel of the New York City Doctoral Consortium Colloquium, Fordham University, 25 April 2008.  [declined]

“Reading in the Wilderness:  The Drama of Devotion in a Fifteenth-Century Illustrated Miscellany,” Medieval Studies Program, University of Connecticut, 3 February 2006.

“Mankind in a Year Without Kings” (with Thomas Fulton), circulated to the Medieval and Early Modern Colloquium, Columbia University, 16 September 2005.

“Pictorial Narrative in the Eadwine Psalter,” Medieval Institute, University of Notre Dame, 3 October 2002.

“The Performance of Prayer in a Late-Medieval Illustrated Miscellany,” Medieval Doctoral Conference, Harvard University, 21 March 2002.

“Public Pageantry in Private Spaces:  Reading Devotional Performance in a Fifteenth-Century Illustrated Book,” Whitney Humanities Center, Yale University, 2 November 2001.

“Public Pageantry in Private Spaces:  Devotional Performance in a Carthusian Miscellany,” Medieval and Early Modern Colloquium, Yale University, 11 October 2001.

“The Visual Experience of Carthusian Books:  Decoration and Illustration in the Foyle Manuscript,” Middle English Manuscript Symposium, Medieval Institute, University of Notre Dame, 15 September 2001.

“The Princess in the Prayerbook:  Chivalric Images in the Taymouth Hours,” Agnes Scott College, 2 March 2001.

Conference Talks

“Late Medieval Plays for Reading:  The Book of Brome.”  Sixteenth International Congress of the New Chaucer Society.  University of Wales, 18-22 July 2008.

“Medieval Ways of Seeing.”  Medieval Writing Workshop.  University of California, Davis, 14-16 September 2007.

“‘I may nevyr fulle telle it’:  Image into Word in Julian of Norwich.”  Lost in Translation? The Tenth Cardiff Conference on the Theory and Practice of Translation in the Middle Ages.  Université de Lausanne, 17-22 July 2007.

“Anglo-Saxon Imagetext.”  41st International Congress on Medieval Studies.  Western Michigan University (Kalamazoo), 11-13 May 2007.

“Venus and Christ in Chaucer’s Complaint of Mars.”  Medieval Lunchtime Talks.  Yale University, 13 February 2007.

“Medieval Imagetext.”  Medieval Writing Workshop.  University of California, Davis, 22-24 September 2006.

“Roger of Waltham Imagines Himself.”  International Association of Word and Image Studies:  Elective Affinities.  University of Pennsylvania, 23-27 September 2005.

“Tail-Rhyme in the Tale of Sir Thopas.”  Medieval Lunchtime Talks.  Yale University, 23 March 2005.

“Dramatizing the Cell:  Carthusian Readers of Deguileville.”  International Medieval Congress.  University of Leeds, 10-13 July 2004.

“The Shapes of Tail-Rhyme.”  Thirteenth International Congress of the New Chaucer Society.  University of Glasgow, 14-17 July 2004.

“Visual Exegesis of the Psalms:  The Utrecht Psalter and Old English Poetry.”  Annual Meeting of the Medieval Academy.  University of Washington, 1-3 April 2004.

“Reading in the Wilderness.”  Medieval Writing Workshop.  Northwestern University, 15-16 October 2003.

“The Performance of Devotional Reading:  Illustrated Playtexts in British Library MS Additional 37049.”  36th International Congress on Medieval Studies.  Western Michigan University (Kalamazoo), 5-8 May 2002.

“Performing Devotion in British Library MS Additional 37409.”  Annual Convention of the Modern Language Association.  New Orleans, 27-30 December 2001.

“‘In maner of a dyaloge it wente’: Devotional Performances in a Carthusian Miscellany (BL MS Add. 37049).”  35th International Congress on Medieval Studies.  Western Michigan University (Kalamazoo), 4-7 May 2001.

“Monastic Reading and the Shape of the Book: Devotional Performances in British Library MS Additional 37049.”  Annual Meeting of the Medieval Academy of America/Medieval Association of the Pacific.  Arizona State University, 15-17 March 2001.

“Liturgical Performances in Vernacular Manuscripts.”  E-seminar connected to the Twelfth International Congress of the New Chaucer Society.  University of London, 14-17 July 2000.

“Reading in the Wilderness: Empty Spaces in the Desert of Religion.”  International Medieval Congress.  University of Leeds, 10-13 July 2000.

“Public Pageantry in Private Spaces:  Liturgical Performance in BL MS Add. 37049.”  34th International Congress on Medieval Studies.  Western Michigan University (Kalamazoo), 3-6 May 2000.

“Reading in the Wilderness:  a Contextual Study of a Carthusian Miscellany (BL MS Additional 37049).”  Unstable Strategies:  Writing the History of Art Now.  Getty Research Institute, 7-8 April 2000.

“‘Als wildernes is wroght this boke’: The Shape of Eremitic Reading in the Desert of Religion.”  Annual Meeting of the Medieval Academy of the Pacific.  University of Victoria, British Columbia, 25-27 February 2000.

“The Person in the Book:  Text and Image in the Miscellany of Roger of Waltham,” International Medieval Congress.  University of Leeds, 12-15 July 1999.

“Chivalric Piety and Vernacular Prayer in the Taymouth Hours.”  Ut pictura poesis: Verbal and Visual Images in Manuscripts and Printed Books, 1350-1550, a Conference of the Early Book Society.  University of Glasgow, 8-12 July 1999.

“The Fairfax 16 Miniature and its Continental Inheritance.”  Eleventh International Congress of the New Chaucer Society.  Université de la Sorbonne, 17-20 July 1998.

“Pearl and the Pictures of Cotton Nero A.x.”  33rd International Congress on Medieval Studies.  Western Michigan University (Kalamazoo), 7-10 May 1998.

“Images of the Vernacular in the Taymouth Hours.”  Annual Meeting of the Medieval Academy of America/Medieval Association of the Pacific.  Stanford University, 26-28 March 1998.