Conference Presentations

“Lydgate’s Poetry in Books of Hours.” Collaborative Research Workshop in Middle English Literature. Denver, 11-13 November 2016.

“Drama in Alabaster: An Intermedial Comparison.” Twentieth Biennial Congress of the New Chaucer Society, London (UK), 10-15 July 2016.

“Devotion and the ‘Literary’.” 49th International Congress on Medieval Studies. Western Michigan University (Kalamazoo), 11-13 May 2016.

“Genre-Words and Books of Hours.” Collaborative Research Workshop in Middle English Literature.  Denver, 24-26 April 2015.

“Object-lessons from the Pavement Hours.” Matters of the Word, Twenty-Fourth Medieval and Renaissance Conference at Barnard College, Columbia University, New York, 6 December 2014.

“Forms of the Hours in Late Medieval England:  Lydgate’s Kalendare.” Annual Meeting of the Medieval Academy of America. University of California at Los Angeles, 10-12 April 2014.

“Regulated Reading:  Time and Place in the Fifteenth-Century Book of Hours.” Annual Meeting of the Renaissance Society of America, 27-29 March 2014.

“Forms of Temporality in the English Book of Hours.” Collaborative Research Workshop in Middle English Literature.  University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 27-29 September 2013.

“The Franklin’s Tale and the Sister Arts.” 47th International Congress on Medieval Studies. Western Michigan University (Kalamazoo), 11-13 May 2013.

“The Book of Hours as Medieval Imagetext.”  Eighteenth International Congress of the New Chaucer Society.  Portland, OR, 23-26 July 2012.

“The Book of Hours in Literary History.”  Medieval Writing Workshop.  Columbia University, 7-9 October 2011.

“Reading Medieval Manuscripts.”  Medieval Writing Workshop.  Columbia University, 14-16 September 2010.

“Late Medieval Plays for Reading: The Book of Brome.” Sixteenth International Congress of the New Chaucer Society. University of Wales, 18-22 July 2008.

“Medieval Ways of Seeing.” Medieval Writing Workshop. University of California, Davis, 14-16 September 2007.

“‘I may nevyr fulle telle it’: Image into Word in Julian of Norwich.”  Lost in Translation? The Tenth Cardiff Conference on the Theory and Practice of Translation in the Middle Ages. Université de Lausanne, 17-22 July 2007.

“Anglo-Saxon Imagetext.” 41st International Congress on Medieval Studies. Western Michigan University (Kalamazoo), 11-13 May 2007.

“Venus and Christ in Chaucer’s Complaint of Mars.” Medieval Lunchtime Talks. Yale University, 13 February 2007.

“Medieval Imagetext.” Medieval Writing Workshop. University of California, Davis, 22-24 September 2006.

“Roger of Waltham Imagines Himself.” International Association of Word and Image Studies: Elective Affinities. University of Pennsylvania, 23-27 September 2005.

“Tail-Rhyme in the Tale of Sir Thopas.” Medieval Lunchtime Talks. Yale University, 23 March 2005.

“Dramatizing the Cell: Carthusian Readers of Deguileville.” International Medieval Congress. University of Leeds, 10-13 July 2004.

“The Shapes of Tail-Rhyme.” Thirteenth International Congress of the New Chaucer Society. University of Glasgow, 14-17 July 2004.

“Visual Exegesis of the Psalms: The Utrecht Psalter and Old English Poetry.” Annual Meeting of the Medieval Academy. University of Washington, 1-3 April 2004.

“Reading in the Wilderness.” Medieval Writing Workshop.  Northwestern University, 15-16 October 2003.

“The Performance of Devotional Reading: Illustrated Playtexts in British Library MS Additional 37049.” 36th International Congress on Medieval Studies. Western Michigan University (Kalamazoo), 5-8 May 2002.

“Performing Devotion in British Library MS Additional 37409.” Annual Convention of the Modern Language Association. New Orleans, 27-30 December 2001.

“‘In maner of a dyaloge it wente’: Devotional Performances in a Carthusian Miscellany (BL MS Add. 37049).” 35th International Congress on Medieval Studies. Western Michigan University (Kalamazoo), 4-7 May 2001.

“Monastic Reading and the Shape of the Book: Devotional Performances in British Library MS Additional 37049.” Annual Meeting of the Medieval Academy of America/Medieval Association of the Pacific. Arizona State University, 15-17 March 2001.

“Liturgical Performances in Vernacular Manuscripts.” E-seminar connected to the Twelfth International Congress of the New Chaucer Society. University of London, 14-17 July 2000.

“Reading in the Wilderness: Empty Spaces in the Desert of Religion.” International Medieval Congress. University of Leeds, 10-13 July 2000.

“Public Pageantry in Private Spaces: Liturgical Performance in BL MS Add. 37049.” 34th International Congress on Medieval Studies. Western Michigan University (Kalamazoo), 3-6 May 2000.

“Reading in the Wilderness: a Contextual Study of a Carthusian Miscellany (BL MS Additional 37049).” Unstable Strategies: Writing the History of Art Now. Getty Research Institute, 7-8 April 2000.

“‘Als wildernes is wroght this boke’: The Shape of Eremitic Reading in the Desert of Religion.” Annual Meeting of the Medieval Academy of the Pacific. University of Victoria, British Columbia, 25-27 February 2000.

“The Person in the Book: Text and Image in the Miscellany of Roger of Waltham,” International Medieval Congress. University of Leeds, 12-15 July 1999.

“Chivalric Piety and Vernacular Prayer in the Taymouth Hours.” Ut pictura poesis: Verbal and Visual Images in Manuscripts and Printed Books, 1350-1550, a Conference of the Early Book Society. University of Glasgow, 8-12 July 1999.

“The Fairfax 16 Miniature and its Continental Inheritance.” Eleventh International Congress of the New Chaucer Society. Université de la Sorbonne, 17-20 July 1998.


Pearl and the Pictures of Cotton Nero A.x.” 33rd International Congress on Medieval Studies. Western Michigan University (Kalamazoo), 7-10 May 1998.

“Images of the Vernacular in the Taymouth Hours.” Annual Meeting of the Medieval Academy of America/Medieval Association of the Pacific. Stanford University, 26-28 March 1998.