Courses on Language at Yale this Fall

Yale offers about 50 languages for study in the classroom, and many more through the DILS program at the CLS. With classes starting tomorrow, Aug. 27, and shopping period underway for the next two weeks, it’s a great time to decide on a new language to study.

There are also many courses you can take about Language (with a capital “L”)–the human condition of language, seen from all kinds of disciplinary lenses. Since these span many fields of study and majors on our campus, they may not be as visible, but are definitely worth pursuing if you’d like to deepen and contextualize your language study.

I’ve spent a little time in Yale’s Online Course Information system to see what offerings our campus might have for Fall 2014, and this is what I’ve found so far. Please leave a comment and/or contact me if you’d like to suggest any additions.

AFST 408 English as a World Language Jemima Anderson TTh 9.00-10.15 LC 210
AMST 235 Language, Disability, Fiction James Berger Th 1.30-3.20 LC 104
ANTH 112 Agent, Person, Subject, Self Paul Kockelman 1 HTBA
ANTH 413 Language, Culture, & Ideology J. Joseph Errington T 9.25-11.15 SA10 105
CGSC 215 Sign Languages and the Mind Kathryn Zaremba Th 2.30-4.20 WLH 014
DRAM 234 Visual Storytelling Wendall K. Harrington Th 12.30-2.00 PK205 101
F&ES 747 Global Communication Skills William Vance T 5.30-7.30p S 24Th 3.30-8.00p S 32
F&ES 750 Writing the World Verlyn Klinkenborg M 4.00-6.50p S 32
LING 110 Language: Intro to Linguistics Jim Wood MW 11.35-12.50 GR109 ROSENFELD
LING 112 Historical Linguistics Ashwini Deo TTh 11.35-12.50 WLH 119
LING 224 FormalFoundationsLingTheories Robert Frank MW 1.00-2.15 HLH17 113
LING 232 Intro to Phonological Analysis Gaja Jarosz TTh 4.00-5.15 HLH17 113
LING 251 Learnability and Development Gaja Jarosz Th 9.25-11.15 DOW 321
LING 253 Syntax I Jim Wood MW 2.30-3.45 ML 104
LING 363 Computational Models of Syntax Robert Frank W 9.25-11.15 AKW 100
LING 564 PrincplesLangTeaching&Learning Petronella Van Deusen-Scholl W 3.30-5.20
LING 790 ResearchMethods in Linguistics Maria Piñango T 9.25-11.15 PR204 B-03


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