In March, the CLS hosted a Brown Bag and workshop (see blog post here) where we discussed possibilities for creating online materials–annotated documents, instructional videos, and more–for language instructors to extend the reach of the classroom and open up class time for activities…
Author: Dave
Brown Bag and Workshop: Developing Materials for Learning Outside the Classroom
Between today and Monday (3/3 and 3/7), the CLS is hosting a sequence of two events on online materials development, and invites all language instructors at Yale to participate. Please see the bottom of this post for more on how…
Testing resources, Panopto video pilot, and shared course experience at 1st Tech Talks
Spring ’16 updates from CALICO president
For those of you who are interested in the activities of CALICO, the Computer-Assisted Language Instruction Consortium, we’re re-posting a recent update message to members from the group’s president, Phil Hubbard. Happy 2016 CALICO members and friends! I thought I…