Author: Dave

“Online Education: The Year Ahead”

I just came across a useful article by William Fenton in PC Mag, reflecting on future trends in online education in light of happenings at the recent Columbia Center for Teaching and Learning-organized Learning With MOOCs II conference: “Online Education:…

The day before

Last Tuesday through Friday, the CLS hosted an intensive Pedagogy Workshop aimed at helping new language instructors at Yale prepare for their first semesters of teaching. Over 35 graduate students and Fulbright Language Teaching Assistants gathered for group sessions on…

Yale Languages at Bulldog Days

On Tuesday, April 21, Angie Gleason, Minjin Hashbat, and Dave Malinowski of the CLS joined dozens and dozens of Yale faculty and staff welcoming hundreds of prospective freshmen and their parents to information tables in Payne Whitney Gym, part of…