Category: Technology
“It’s not about the tools themselves…” Al Ani, Iacovella, Illakowicz tech talks

This semester’s technology events program kicked off last Tuesday, Jan. 23rd, with 10-minute Tech Talks–short, informal presentations or conversations by language instructors about a technology-related innovation, application, or question, with time for feedback and discussion with peers. In particular, this…
CLS Fellowship Fall 2017. Three Projects; Three opportunities to learn.
I applied for the CLS Fellowship in Fall of 2016 with hopes of getting a one course release and using the time to focus on my project. With complete focus on using online resources to enhance the teaching of Levantine…
Time for technology in the winter break
With the end of the semester upon us, it’s a great time to take stock of teaching and technology accomplishments in 2016, and to look forward to goals and projects for next year. I’ve put a few resources together here…
Teaching Distance Languages – CLS Brown Bag 3/31/16
CLS’ Shared Course Initiative mentioned in latest YAM Cover Story
In the current (March/April 2016) issue of the Yale Alumni Magazine, David Zax, YC ’06, covers how Yale is adapting to the ‘digital revolution’ in teaching and learning. The article, entitled “The digital evolution of teaching at Yale,” also briefly mentions…