Category: Technology

On the myth of neutral technology

In the wake of last week’s news that a Yale police officer drew his gun on an (unarmed) African-American Yale student under highly questionable circumstances, I felt compelled to turn back to a recent article in The Atlantic that had caught…

Fall 2014 Tech Talks off and running

By many measures of variety, the first session of our 10-minute Tech Talks for Fall ’14 was a great success: it brought together lectors and graduate students, faculty from Yale and beyond, and presenters from 6 time zones apart for…

Creative ways to get things started

WELCOME BACK! This summer I once again participated in the Heritage Language Teacher Workshop at UCLA. One of the very enthusiastic mentors was keen on having a series of icebreaker activities that, whether one liked them or not, got the…

CALICO 2014 – Athens, OH

May 7-11 I attended the annual CALICO conference at Ohio University in Athens, OH. CALICO is always a great conference because it brings together people who share a passion for computer-assisted language learning. This year’s conference theme was “Open, Online, Massive:…