Tag: Arabic

Spring ’16 Yale World CLASS festival

Text and images by Minjin Hashbat, Tarana Jafarova, and Gregg Lauer On Wednesday, May 18, the Yale World CLASS (Culture and Language After School Studies) program for high school students concluded the 9-month long program on Yale campus during which…

Arabic Script Calligraphy Workshop

Calligrapher Elinor Holand accepted my invitation to give a workshop on Arabic script calligraphy. We, our summer students of Beginner Arabic I as well as our guests from the Yale community learned a lot, experienced a lot and of course appreciated the…

MESA 2014/ Washington DC

The Middle East Studies Association (MESA) brings together scholars, educators and all those who are interested in studies (language, literature, culture, politics, etc.)  related to that area of the world from all over the world. It holds a yearly meeting in the…