Yale Neurology Welcomes International Medical Educator
Yale welcomes Dr. Olle ten Cate for two days of educational activities. Currently based in the Netherlands, Dr. ten Cate is an internationally renowned medical educator who served as president of the Netherlands Association of Medical Education from 2006 to 2012. He continues to be a lead educator and education researcher at University Medical Center Utrecht, and in 2012 was also named an Adjunct Professor of Medicine at UCSF.
Yesterday, he presented his work on competency-based teaching at Neuroscience Grand Rounds.
This afternoon, Dr. ten Cate’s presented his keynote address at Medical Education Day 2016 to great acclaim.
Coincidentally, earlier this week Dr. ten Cate published his article “Measuring cognitive load during procedural skills training with colonoscopy as an exemplar” in Medical Education, accompanied by a commentary written by third-year Yale resident Dr. Vincent Lau with program director Dr. Jeremy Moeller.