“I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand.” –Confucius
Educators recognize students have a variety of learning styles, but the most powerful way to learn Chemistry is through conducting research. Beyond building foundational knowledge, research provides a platform to develop logical and analytic problem-solving skills. As students generate their own hypotheses, their minds transform as they become creative and independent researcher-scholars. The Newhouse group cultivates an atmosphere that facilitates this process.
Yale: Chem. Seminars, Chem. Faculty Directory, Software (ITS), Instrumentation Center, Library, Chemical Inventory
Lab Technique: Not Voodoo, Crystal Growing, Gaussian Keywords
Safety: Yale EHS, Yale Joint Safety Team, Yale Safety, Yale Laboratory Chemical Training, C&EN Safety Zone
Chem. Info: Evans pKa Table, Bond Strengths and Lengths, Estimate BP, Azeotrope Databank, SDBS, EROS
Other: Evans Problems, Fukuyama Problems, Org. Chem. Info, Top 200 Drugs, US Syn. Org. Groups, Reference Resolver, CSD, CAS Source Index Search Tool, Organic Chemistry Portal