Modern European Intellectual History
The Alt-Right’s Favorite Meme Is 100 Years Old
The Right to Have Rights
(with Stephanie de Gooyer et al.) The RIght to Have Rights (New York, 2018)
see Masha’s Gessen’s review in The New Yorker
Sixty years ago, the political theorist Hannah Arendt, an exiled Jew deprived of her German citizenship, observed that before people can enjoy any of the “inalienable” Rights of Man—before there can be any specific rights to education, work, voting, and so on—there must first be such a thing as “the right to have rights.” The concept received little attention at the time, but in our age of mass deportations, Muslim bans, refugee crises, and extra-state war, the phrase has become the center of a crucial and lively debate. Here five leading thinkers from varied disciplines—including history, law, politics, and literary studies—discuss the critical basis of rights and the meaning of radical democratic politics today.
Human Rights and the Crisis of Liberalism
Retrieving Duties in an Age That Needs Them
Christian Human Rights: An Introduction
Restraining Populism
(and for some exchanges, see the First Things letters columns for August 2017…)