Since its release in the 1960s, the IUD has grown to be one of the most popular contraceptive methods after the birth control pill. While hormonal and copper IUDs are both over 99% effective in preventing pregnancy, hormonal IUDs are more popular due to their relatively limited side effects. Copper IUDs work to prevent pregnancy by releasing copper ions from a copper wire into the uterus via corrosion, which leads to inactivation of sperm and an inflammatory response that creates a toxic environment and prevents conception.
Figure 1. Currently there is only one Copper IUD that is FDA approved in the US, ParaGard. ParaGard has a polymeric body with a metallic copper wire that releases copper ions.
Significant side effects, however, come with this release of copper ions, including heavier and more painful periods as well as abnormal bleeding and pelvic pain. Intense pain in the first few days following insertion is very common due to the initial “burst” of copper ions following insertion. This burst is due to the fact that there is a high concentration gradient and ions are able to readily diffuse through release channels since they are not obstructed by corrosion deposits, a product of the oxidation of copper ions. It is also noted that consistently around one third of copper ions released are oxidized and deposited as a product of corrosion on the surface of the IUD frame as Cu2O, rendering their contraceptive abilities ineffective, while still contributing to side effects.
Figure 2. Corrosion of copper and deposition of Cu2O
Despite these side effects, for women who want a reliable and long-lasting contraceptive option without exposure to hormones, the copper IUD is one of the best options. As such, there has been recent efforts to improve the copper releasing mechanism of the copper IUD. One of the most promising approaches is to use a polymer matrix composite rather than just a copper wire, which allows for a more controlled release of copper ions. The benefit of a composite is that the device is able to take on the constitutive properties of both materials.
In a study done by Li et al., the polymer matrix selected was poly vinyl alcohol (PVA), a polymer known to have high strength, good processability, and long-term stability in biological conditions. To form the composite, a solution of PVA and water was heated with SiO2 (to decrease the solubility of PVA) to create a homogenous solution. CuCl2 was then added, and the solution was solidified on a glass plate. When release studies were done in vitro, the release rate of copper ions from the composite was 12 times less than from metallic copper due to the fact that the diffusion of ions was limited by the polymeric network. After the third week, the release of cooper ions was comparable to metallic copper, showing the stability and consistent rate of release of copper ions via corrosion. In addition, there were no Cu2O depositions on the surface of the composite, which indicates that all of the Cu ions released would have contraceptive effects. This points to the possibility of engineering a composite IUD with a lower concentration of copper because all copper released would contribute to contraceptive effects.
Figure 3. Release of copper over time for metallic Cu and for Cu-PVA composite
In another study done by Xu et al., a composite of Cu and polydimethiylsiloxane (PDMS) was constructed. PDMS was selected because it is easy to be mechanically tuned and is biocompatible. Unlike Li et al., this composite used Cu nanoparticles, which release Cu ions. The composite was made by pouring the Cu nanoparticles into a PDMS cross-lined matrix at a high temperature. Similar to Li et al., there was also a reduction in the initial burst of Cu ions and no Cu2O deposits were observed on the surface in in vitro studies. There was also a steady release of Cu nanoparticles over time, pointing to the long-term abilities of the device as a contraceptive agent.
Figure 4. Surface imaging of copper nanoparticle-PDMS composite
As such, an IUD made of a copper-PVA or copper-PDMS composite could lead to fewer side effects both immediately after insertion and long term due to the reduction in the initial burst of copper ions and the possibility of the lower concentration of copper ions in total, respectively. Since the copper IUD can last up to 10 years, two times longer than the hormonal IUD, a new copper IUD with fewer side effects could have significant implications for women seeking family planning options in rural and less developed communities who may not have the resources to receive a new hormonal IUD every three to five years.
Works cited:
Li J, Suo J, Huang X, Ye C, Wu X. Release behavior of copper ion in a novel contraceptive composite. Contraception. 2007;76(3):233-7.
Xu XX, Ding MH, Zhang JX, Zheng W, Li L, Zheng YF. A novel copper/polydimethiylsiloxane nanocomposite for copper-containing intrauterine contraceptive devices. J Biomed Mater Res Part B Appl Biomater. 2013;101(8):1428-36.
Ramakrishnan R, B B, Aprem AS. Controlled release of copper from an intrauterine device using a biodegradable polymer. Contraception. 2015;92(6):585-8.