Decellularized Uterine Scaffolds to Treat Infertility

As in previous weeks when the topics discussed in class do not relate well to contraceptive devices, I turn to the opposite topic of engineering approaches to improve fertility. This week, I am going to be talking about decellularized uterus scaffolds to treat female infertility.

Infertility due to uterine conditions can occur due to a multitude of reasons, including endocrine and structural abnormalities as a result of congenital conditions, cancer, chemotherapy, and injury. Complete or partial transplants have successfully taken place, but as with any transplant from an allogenic donor, there runs the risk of rejection by the immune system. In addition, even if rejection does not occur, a life-long dependence on immunosuppressive drugs can lead to nephrotoxicity, diabetes, and severe infections. Therefore, tissue engineering approaches are a promising approach and do not carry the same risk of rejection.

In particular, biological scaffolds obtained through decellularization are an area of research. Biological scaffolds have an advantage over synthetic scaffolds because they are more similar to natural tissue from a mechanical and biological stance, meaning they are more able to replicate the structure and function of the natural organ. During decellularization, immune cells are removed from the donor tissue and the extracellular matrix (ECM) is isolated to create the scaffold. This decellularization process can be accomplished through chemical, biological, and physical processes. The remaining ECM architecture resembles that of the natural tissue. It also retains vital proteins such as collagens, fibronectin, laminin, and elastin. As such, functions of the specific tissue are maintained, including cell signaling, adhesion, differentiation, and proliferation abilities, all while avoiding rejection by the immune system. The scaffolds can be implanted in vivo on their own, or, in the process of recellularization, stem cells can be integrated into the scaffold prior to implantation in order to populate the scaffold with cells crucial to the functioning of the organ.

Figure 1. Process of decellularization and recellularization for uterine scaffolds

In the case of a uterus, the key functions include the ability to implant an embryo and nourish the fetus, and then contract once the fetus has reached term and allow for delivery. In a study by Drs. Roger Young and Gabriela Goloman, the myometrium, the smooth muscle of uterine tissue, of both humans and rats was decellularized using an ethanol and trypsin protocol, which removed the immune cells and maintained the ECM of the myometrium. Then, the myometrium scaffolds were recellularized using isolated myocytes, the functional cells of the uterus, to create a “neo-myometrium” (stem cells were not used). Three experimental group types of neo-myometriums were created: human scaffold / human myocytes, rat scaffold / rat myocytes, and rat scaffold / human myocytes. Seeded scaffolds in all groups demonstrated ability for the myocytes to attach and grow, showing a successful recellularization process. However, in the case of the human scaffold / human myocyte group, the myocytes could not stay attached to the scaffold for a long period of time, and a thick layer was never achieved. As such, coordinated contractions of the tissue could not be observed in isometric contractility experiments. Nevertheless, for the rat scaffold / human myocyte group, the myocytes grew well into the scaffold. As a result, coordinated contractions were observed in vitro, showing the potential of the recellularized scaffold to embody the functional characteristics of the myometrium. In the future, it would be interesting to gain a better understanding of why the human myocytes did not grow well into the human scaffold, as this is not well explained in the paper.

Figure 2. Decellularized rat and human scaffolds (prior to recellularization)

Furthermore, a study by Dr. Kaoru Miyazaki and Dr. Tetsuo Maruyama did a similar experiment with decellularization with whole rat uteri. In the experiment, the decellularization process was carried out using perfusion of SDS (a detergent) that was infused through the aortic artery. The decellularized uterine scaffold was then recellularized through injection of rat uterine cells and mesenchymal stem cells (from bone marrow), allowing for proliferation of cells throughout. Then, a portion of the uteri of living rats was excised and replaced with a portion of the newly created uterine scaffold. There was also a control group and a group that only had excised uteri, a model of uterine damage. The rats were then mated 28 days after surgery. A histological analysis was performed to determine the extent of tissue regeneration in the experimental group, and it was found that the regenerated tissue was thick and the scaffold was well recellularized. In addition, fetuses were observed in 6 out of the 8 rats in the experimental group, whereas they were only observed in 1 out of the 8 rats in the group with excised uteri.

Figure 3. Rat uteri before, during, and after the decellularization process using a detergent. It can be seen that the resulting scaffold maintains the original shape of the uteri due to preservation of the ECM.

Figure 4. Rat uteri after decellularization and after recellularization with rat uterine cells and mesenchymal stem cells. The recellularized scaffold was the implanted into excised portions of the uteri of living rats.

These results show the potential for the decellularized scaffolds to not only replace and regenerate uterine tissue, but to embody the natural function of the tissue by allowing for implantation and growth of fetuses. This could have implications for women who have damaged portion of their uterus due to cancer, chemotherapy, or other injury.

Nevertheless, one of the main disadvantages of decellularization in general is that smaller structures within the organ may be disrupted, which can impair the function. In addition, residual cellular components, such as nucleic acid from the DNA of immune cells, may have unknown and unintentional effects and consequences on the function of the organ. These all need to be taken into consideration for future studies.


Hellström M, Bandstein S, Brännström M. Uterine Tissue Engineering and the Future of Uterus Transplantation. Ann Biomed Eng. 2017;45(7):1718-1730.

Miyazaki K, Maruyama T. Partial regeneration and reconstruction of the rat uterus through recellularization of a decellularized uterine matrix. Biomaterials. 2014;35(31):8791-8800.

Young RC, Goloman G. Allo- and xeno-reassembly of human and rat myometrium from cells and scaffolds. Tissue Eng Part A. 2013;19(19-20):2112-9.

Kuo CY, Baker H, Fries MH, Yoo JJ, Kim PCW, Fisher JP. Bioengineering Strategies to Treat Female Infertility. Tissue Eng Part B Rev. 2017;23(3):294-306.

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