Hyaluronic Acid Hydrogel and Infertility

In previous weeks, I have focused on family planning options, including IUDs and implants, that allow for prevention of pregnancy. This week, however, I will be talking about hyaluronic acid hydrogel, its use in laparoscopic uterine surgeries, and its ability to reduce post-operative complications, including infertility.

One of the most common type of laparoscopic uterine surgery is a myomectomy, which is the removal of fibroids. Fibroids are noncancerous growths that can appear in women of childbearing age and can cause severe pain and infertility. Removal of fibroids can relieve this pain and also increase a woman’s chance of being able to become pregnant, as removal of the fibroids can allow the embryo to attach to the uterine wall.  

While the surgery is usually successful in removing the fibroids, a primary concern is the potential development of postoperative adhesions, which are abnormal fibrous connections. These adhesions can cause abdominal and pelvic pain and reduced fertility due to disruption of the uterine wall. However, studies have shown that HA hydrogels can reduce adhesion formation by preventing direct contact with adjacent uterine surfaces. 

Hyaluronic acid is a hydrophilic polymer found in the ECM of most connective tissues and is often used in tissue engineering. It can provide scaffold and support to tissues, protect against toxins, aid in wound healing, and act as a lubricant. Hydrogels are networks of cross-linked polymers. Hydrogels are frequently used in tissue engineering due to their properties that are similar to that of human tissue, including gas exchange abilities and water content.

Different concentrations and molecular weights of HA can affect the physiological functions of tissues. Increasing the cross linking of HA can increase the elastic modulus, thereby making the hydrogels stiffer. Work by Mensitieri et al. has shown that auto-crosslinked HA gels can increase the effectiveness of preventing adhesion formation due to the higher level of adhesiveness upon application to the wound site.

In a study by Pellicano et all., a controlled, randomized study was done to assess the ability of HA hydrogels to prevent post-op adhesions following laparoscopic myomectomies in 36 infertile patients. For half of the women in the study, crosslinked HA hydrogel was applied to the sites of the fibroid removal.  60-90 days following the surgery, a laparoscopy was performed to evaluate the post-operative effects, and the rate of adhesion development was significantly lower in the group of women who were treated with HA gel (P<0.01).

In addition, study was done in rabbits by Huberlant et al. to investigate the ability for HA hydrogels to reduce infertility due to adhesions from hysteroscopies, a procedure that is used to look inside the uterus for diagnostic purposes and can sometimes cause adhesions. The procedure was performed in 20 female rabbits. Female rabbits have two uterine tubes, so the HA hydrogel was applied to one uterine tube and the other uterine tube served as the control. The rabbits were then mated after a period of recovery, and there was a significant difference in the number of fetuses conceived in each uterine tube (P<0.05). In the uterine tube that was treated with the HA gel, there was an average of 3.7 fetuses, whereas there was an average of only 2.1 fetuses in the uterine tube that was not treated.

Combine, these results indicate that the implementation of HA hydrogel following laparoscopic uterine surgery can increase fertility due to the decrease in adhesions that develop. The use of HA to prevent adhesion formation is ideal because HA is a natural component of the ECM so there is low risk for an immune response, it embodies many properties of human tissue, it is fairly inexpensive, and it is biodegradable. Going forward, additional modifications could be made to HA in order to further reduce the chance of adhesion formation. The molecular weight or density could be increased in order to increase the crosslinking, which could further increase the residence time of the gel on the uterine surface and ensure all wound sites are covered.



Chircov C, Grumezescu AM, Bejenaru LE. Hyaluronic acid-based scaffolds for tissue engineering. Rom J Morphol Embryol. 2018;59(1):71-76.

Pal B. Adhesion prevention in myomectomy. J Gynecol Endosc Surg. 2011;2(1):21-4.

Mensitieri, M., Ambrosio, L., Nicolais, L., and Bellini, D. Viscoelastic properties modulation of a novel autocrosslinked hyaluronic acid polymer. J Mater Sci Mater Med. 1996; 7: 695

Huberlant S, Fernandez H, Vieille P, et al. Application of a hyaluronic acid gel after intrauterine surgery may improve spontaneous fertility: a randomized controlled trial in New Zealand White rabbits. PLoS One. 2015;10(5):e0125610. Published 2015 May 11. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0125610


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