South End Adventures (Site Visit Part 2 of 2)

After finding my way out of the chaotic construction site that is Stamford Station, I had but to cross a few streets to encounter the luxury complexes of Stamford South End, including Harbor Point: “the perfect place to LIVE, WORK, and PLAY”. Gritty-chic is the name of the game, as abandoned brick factories abut reconstructed brick “factories” abut slick steel abut modern glass. It’s hard to separate the merely dilapidated…

Mill River Park: Model Park Design and Planning Strategy

In contrast to the developer-inspired growth strategy taking place in the South End of Stamford, the City of Stamford has very carefully planned the 31-acre Mill River Park, over more than 21 years, at a cost of $100 million. The park is currently being developed in phases, in the heart of downtown Stamford, with aspirations of creating a central park for the city with a three-mile greenway along Mill River,…

If you build it, they will come

Stamford’s development is inextricably linked to the New York MTA’s Metro North Commuter Rail, upon which one can travel from Grand Central Station to Downtown Stamford in about an hour. All the MTA lines serve some economic activity, as shown below in a job density map produced by the New York City Planning Department. Stamford, Bridgeport, and New Haven have the highest job density. According to Amtrak’s Great American Stations…

Introduction and History: Stamford Commercial Real Estate

This blog is the product of student research for the Cases in Commercial Real Estate: Design, Development and Innovation course at the Yale School of Management, Fall 2018. Five of us chose to research and write about Stamford, Connecticut, which is in the midst of a $6 billion building boom, for the opportunity to study an active real estate development project happening close to New Haven. This explosive growth in…

Planning is needed for Stamford South End development

Tracing the path of development in Stamford, Connecticut, is no easy task. The South End of Stamford is in the midst of an explosive period of growth. A former industrial and working class neighborhood that suffered with the decline and closure of local businesses, the area has experienced an influx of rental apartment towers and businesses that support the wealthier renters who have moved in. Though the transition has not…