Healthy Living

Close up of someone's feet with sneakers walking up the stairs.

Healthy people, healthy planet

Human health is strongly connected to a healthy environment. There are many beautiful places in New Haven for you to relax and recharge, and getting outside is good for you in so many ways. Beyond spending some time outside, Being Well at Yale also has a wealth of resources to help you detox and destress. Check out the website to get started with anything from quitting smoking to being more active. Yale Health also has a great list of student resources at Yale.

MindfulnessA person meditating. The sun is setting in the background and there are shadows of hills.

Taking up a mindfulness practice can help you to be more reflective, handle stress better, and stay calm. There are lots of resources to help you get started if you’ve never meditated before.

At Yale


Be ActiveA woman running up colorful stairs in sneakers and exercise clothes.

We know it can be hard to exercise when you work and study for many hours of the day, but with a bit of planning ahead and some good resources, you can get your work done, have fun, and stay active.


Stress shouldn’t control or debilitate you. You’ll find a few stress reduction tips below, but for a more comprehensive guide, look at Yale Health’s stress page.

  • Are you feeling stressed and not sure how to feel better? Here’s a great list of stress reduction strategies.
  • Try Mind Tools, which teaches you 72 stress reduction skills to keep you healthy.

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