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Interviews and Media

Thomas Pogge interview: 3 ways to improve SDGs

The obligation to assist the distant needy” by Sreenivasan Subramanian, The Tribune, December 23, 2016.

Fudging the Numbers: Is UN Hunger and Poverty Data Reliable?” by Anna Behrend, Der Spiegel, June 27, 2016.

North will try to divide South, South must maintain solidarity,” interview with Manish Chand, Editor-in-Chief, India Writes Network, March 11, 2016.

An Open Letter to the United Nations,” Huffington Post, 9/25/2015.

‘Do no harm’: Medical professionals urge Wellcome Trust to end fossil fuel investments,” The Guardian, August 14, 2015.

UN stands firm in face of hunger stats accusation,” by Tania Rabesandratana, SciDev.Net, August 12, 2015.

The Real Black Economy,” Afriques en Lutte, July 24, 2015.

Stand against Poverty: An Interview with Thomas Pogge” in Melina Duarte and Tor Ivar Hanstad, eds.: Realizing Global Justice: Theory and Practice, special issue of Nordic Journal of Applied Ethics Etikk i Praksis (2016), 10 (2), 91–108.

Tackling Africa’s illicit finance flight,” by Greg Nicolson, Daily Maverick, May 19, 2015.

Life-Saving Drugs for All,” by Peter Singer, Project Syndicate, Global Health & Development, May 12, 2015; also in The New Dawn and in Facts & Arts; as “Life-saving drugs for all can be achieved” in The Japan Times, May 16, 2015; as “Make the life-saving drugs available to all” in Times of Oman, May 16, 2015; as “Establish a reward system so drugs are developed equitably” in The Daily Star, May 19, 2015.   Spanish   French

Thomas Pogge and the Challenge of Global Justice,” by Mark Kernan, DSA Ireland, April 19, 2015; also available at Common Dreams.

A Better Way to Pay for R&D? (Part 2): Pilot projects designed to help get Health Impact Fund ‘across the finish line’,” interview with Kyle Poplin, Next Billion, April 14, 2015.

NexThought Monday – A Better Way to Pay for R&D? (Part 1): The plan to enable everyone to buy drugs at manufacturing cost,” interview with Kyle Poplin, Next Billion, April 13, 2015.

Top academics ask world’s universities to divest from fossil fuels,” by Emma Howard, The Guardian, April 7, 2015.

Climate change: at last a breakthrough to our catastrophic political impasse?” by Julia Powles and Tessa Khan, The Guardian, Comment is free, March 30, 2015.

Hunt for black money,” by Dr Ikramul Haq, Huzaima Bukhari, The News on Sunday, March 29, 2015.

Pharmaceutical incentives cost lives, Yale professor says,” by Steven Lewis, Yale Daily News, March 24, 2015, also available at

We are not really improving the situation of the poor,” interview with Ben Hill, The European, Conversations, March 24, 2015.    Dutch

From basic income to social dividend: sharing the value of common resources,” by Rajesh Makwana, Share The World’s Resources, March 18, 2015.

State Of Economy: Fireworks, As Academia, Public Analysts Clash In UNILAG,” by Ikechukwu Onyewuchi, NGR Guardian News, January 31, 2015.

Thomas Pogge: Who is Responsible for Global Poverty,” by Solomon Appiah, Good Governance & Public Policy, January 5, 2015.

Curing Ebola with Thomas Pogge,” by Jed Lea-Henry, ON LINE opinion Australia’s e-journal of social and political debate, 21 November 2014; also available at

Pay for performance to get drugs to the poor,” by Bill Hinchberger, devex International Development, November 17, 2014.

The Resource Privilege,” by James North, The Nation, September 23, 2014.

Toward Understanding Our World’s Moral Landscape: Carnegie Council’s Centennial Projects on a ‘Global Ethic’,” by Devin T. Stewart, Carnegie Council Centennial Thought Leaders Forum, August 4, 2014.

Is income inequality ‘morally wrong’?” by John Sutter, CNN Opinion, July 25, 2013.

Poverty is a massive crime against humanity,” interview with Anke Rasper, Deutsche Welle, July 12, 2013.   Audio    Spanish

Q & ASAP — AFTER THE MDGs: Thomas Pogge Sees Some Promise, Many Potential Pitfalls in First Official Recommendations for Millennium Development Goals Replacement Effort,” interview by Amy Gordon, Academics Stand Against Poverty, June 23, 2013.

Interview with Adam Groves, e-International Relations, June 12, 2013.

Adverse Reaction: India’s radical challenge to the global patent regime” by Suhrith Parthasarathy, The Caravan, June 1, 2013.

Would tax on arms exports and protectionism help poor countries?” by Mark Tran, The Guardian, Global development, Poverty matters blog, May 15, 2013.

Health not Wealth as an Incentive for Drug Development: A Conversation with Thomas Pogge,” Harvard Global Health Institute, April 29, 2013.

Interview” by Henry Knight in Brown Political Review 2/1 March 2013, p. 31.

Yale partners in Indian justice program” by Lavinia Borzi, Yale Daily News, March 7, 2013.

“Fighting global poverty: Interview with Thomas Pogge,” Bulles de Savoir, January 29, 2013.    French

Is the Global Economic Establishment Taking a Progressive Turn?” by William Greider, The Nation, January 15, 2013.

Global justice and distribution of health careObserver Research Foundation Report, July 24, 2012.

We Must Be Opportunistic In The Pursuit of Justice,” interview with Sören Musyal and Martin Eiermann, The European, Conversations, December 14, 2011.

This is not how you eradicate poverty,” interview with Trithesh Nandan, Governance Now, December 1–15, 2011, vol. 02, issue 21, 32–33.

We have failed to protect the poor,” interview with Anil Padmanabhan, in & Wall Street Journal, Economy and Politics, December 9, 2011.

Ibsa should protect rights of poor, says Pogge,” by Elizabeth Roche & Liz Mathew, in & Wall Street Journal, Economy and Politics, October 20, 2011.

A New Way to Reward Innovation,” by Dylan Walsh, in Green, New York Times Blog about Energy and the Environment, October 20, 2011.

Thomas Pogge on Global Poverty,” interview with Keane Bhatt, in Policy Innovations, May 31, 2011, and as “Thomas Pogge on the Past, Present and Future of Global Poverty” in Truthout, May 29, 2011.

Interview with Hakan Altinay in Hakan Altinay, ed.: Global Civics: Responsibilities and Rights in an Interdependent World (Washington: Brookings Institution Press 2011), 40–43.    Chinese

Philosopher fights for fair drug prices,” interview with Luci Ellis, in University Post, University of Copenhagen, July 20, 2010.

Economics for the Common Good,” interview with Christian Schlüter, in the English version of Das Magazin der Kulturstiftung des Bundes 15 (spring/summer 2010), 32–33.    German

The Price of a Cure? How Big Pharma Can Help Poverty-stricken Populations” in Knowledge@Wharton, May 26, 2010.

A philosopher with a plan” in Yale Alumni Magazine, January/February 2010, p. 17.

Der Weltverändererdenker,” interview with DIE ZEIT for its series “Wer denkt für morgen? Aufklärer, Denkerinnen und Visionäre” (Who is thinking for the future? — Enlighteners, Thinkers, and Visionaries), 23 April 2009, issue 18, page 36 (Wissen), also at; reprinted as “Wie sich Armut und Hunger abschaffen lassen,” in Elisabeth von Thadden, Ulrich Schnabel, Christiane Grefe, eds.: Wer denkt für morgen? (Freiburg: Herder 2010), 17–23.

Thomas Pogge on Pharmaceutical Innovation,” interview with Christian Barry, on Public Ethics Radio, Centre for Applied Philosophy and Public Ethics, August 22, 2008.

Thinking about ‘the unthinkable’,” Alan Johnson writes about the Global Resources Dividend (GRD) in The Guardian, Comment is free, February 7, 2008.

Interview with Professor Thomas Pogge,” by Sandrine Berges, in Éthique et économique/Ethics and Economics, 5/1, 2007.

   Abstract: This interview discusses the responsibility of human agents for the social rules they participate in designing or upholding and for the human effects of such rules. In contrast to Martha Nussbaum and Peter Singer, Thomas Pogge emphasizes that, in the modern world especially, people often harm one another – even violate one another’s human rights – through the imposition of unjust institutional arrangements. As in the case of Hurricane Katrina, the harmful effects of such arrangements may not be obvious because of other, more salient causal factors. Nonetheless, most human rights deficits today could be avoided through a more just structuring of our ever more influential global institutional order.

Interview with René Gabriëls and Regina Kreide (2007), in Dutch, and in German.

   Abstract: In this interview, the German philosopher Thomas Pogge responds to eight questions about his life and work in the US. He speaks about the negative duties he derives from his conception of global justice and comments on his relation to his teacher John Rawls as well as on competing approaches in moral philosophy (recognition and capabilities). The interview concludes with remarks on a new system for incentivizing pharmaceutical innovations and on the responsibility of philosophers in the public discourse of a democratic society.

Interview on Global Justice,” in Spanish and in English, in Revista Argentina de Teoría Jurídica | Universidad Torcuato Di Tella (Buenos Aires), 9, 2007.

Your Negative Duty,” interview with Ellen Sofie Lauritzen, in English and in Norwegian, Universitas (Oslo) 60/20 (29 August 2006).

Interview: Inequality is the Main Obstacle to the Eradication of Poverty” (Persian گفت‌وگو با پروفسور توماس پوگ، نسرین پورهمرنگ) Hatef Weekly Magazine (Northern Iran) 665, 8 Shahrivar 1384 (Hijri calendar, equals 30 August 2005), 5–6.

Global Justice as Moral Issue,” interview conducted by Alessandro Pinzani, in ethic@ 4/1(June 2005), 1–6.

Interview with philosopher Thomas Pogge on the fight against poverty” in UNESCO SHS Newsletter October-December 2003, 4–8.

Globalising, With Justice: An Interview with Thomas Pogge” in Imprints 5/3 (2001), 199–220.

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