Game Over – Gaming as an addiction and mental health disorder Addiction is a devastating concept that millions of individuals and families grapple with. Year after year, various addictions are...
The correlation between brain and diet Our health has become something of a global obsession. It isn’t a bad thing – frankly, it is overdue...
How technology is changing healthcare Technology has changed our daily lives in many ways. It has helped us to be more connected with friends...
How Dental Care in the US is mostly Emergency Care today High Cost of Dental Care is leading people to avoid regular dentist visits Famed American author Dr. Seuss, said,...
Health concerns regarding personal safety in public Too often, people find themselves in scary, uncertain places physically, mentally, or emotionally. We are not always prepared for...
The rise of seeking medical advise abroad As the American medical system becomes more complicated and fewer citizens are unsure about their health, those who need...
How technology can improve global dental health 3D Printing has transformed dental care into a highly efficient, cost-cutting, speedy process, almost like magic Immediate results...
My Health Record sends Australia’s public into panic The private healthcare system in Australia is one of the very best in the world. Our country is lucky...
Green teas as an alternative medicine Green tea is the second most consumed beverage in the world after water, and is grown in at least...
The effects of having a parent with dementia Going away to college is meant to be a rite of passage for millions of young adults. However, the...