Are online self-diagnosis websites overlooking professional advice? Before the Internet, doctors and physicians brandished their extensive knowledge and dominance, and patients patiently waited for their...
Powders, Juices and Pills: is modern society addicted to nutritional supplements? Fat blasting smoothies, super fruit juices, pills to pop for energy. It seems that there is a quick-fix for...
Are painkillers a silent killer? A common household item, capable of easing a migraine, a fever or general soreness. Accessible, affordable and affective. But...
Beyond Religion: How Past-Life Belief is Becoming More Widely Accepted Past lives or reincarnation used to be a belief associated solely with certain religions. The major Indian religions, particularly,...
Millennials & Diamonds: Are they still a girl’s best friend? Diamonds. When they come to mind it’s hard to think of them without thoughts of glamour, romance, and wealth....
Personal care or personal harm? The ugly side of beauty The global chemicals industry is booming, largely as a result of increased demand for personal care products. According to...
America’s Booming Plastic Surgery Industry and Our Changing Perception of Beauty Plastic surgery is defined as “the process of reconstructing or repairing parts of the body by the transfer of...