Minimizing debts of a student You’re in college and you only live once. However, when it comes to money many college students, even those...
Innovations of authenticated blockchain networks The current reality that we live in is relying more and more heavily on technologies as time goes on....
Tuberculosis and its effect in the 21st Century Though commonly thought to be a “deadly disease of the past” – an ancient enemy and no longer a...
Wearable tech for better fitness As little as twenty years ago, the world looked entirely different to the way that it looks now. People...
The importance of support amongst students Being a student is hard. It does not matter if a student has a strong grip on their organisation...
The New Age of Medicine: Constant Innovation for Hope in Patients of All Kinds Health is an important matter for all but it also can become a repetitive and redundant issue for those...
The Death of Literature by the Digital Age Good writing skills have been consistently eroding over the years, with social media escalating it into a crisis situation...
It’s a (Wo)man’s world – feminism in business The world of business used to be widely male-oriented. People in positions of power were often men, and so...
Taking a Gap Year through Yosemite Every country in the world has its globally renowned wonders and its hidden gems. For every country around the...
iPads in academic institutes and its effects It has been just eight years since the first iPad was released. And in that time the device has...