Social media data collection technologies are strategising marketing campaigns


Technological advancements continually integrate into developed global societies as a means of growing economies and efficiencies. Certain technologies can help consumers and businesses advance. Utilizing digital marketing technologies and unique web design efforts can help a company reach larger audiences. Marketing technologies are quickly advancing to change industry standards and optimize success. From measuring audience engagement to payroll outsourcing companies, having proper software and technology can be beneficial for marketing and brand managers.

One of the first technologies that helps marketing firms and marketing managers become successful, is online data analytics. Some companies purchase software that provides advanced data analytics. For small businesses on a budget, utilizing analytics can be highly beneficial to further understand audiences in order to strengthen and raise their return on investment (ROI). Audience insights and analysis provides marketers with necessary information to decide how to efficiently develop marketing campaigns for consumers. For example, a business may examine their Twitter or Facebook analytics to further understand who their target audience is. As marketers review the social media data analytics, they can start to discover more about their followers. This analytical information can provide insight into the demographics, psychographics, geographics, and purchase behavior of the consumer.

Utilizing demographic information can be especially beneficial when clustering age ranges. Social media data collection technologies are helpful because they do that for free. When searching through Twitter analytics specifically, that platform will even show information such as the median household income, large events coming up, mobile carriers, topic interest by percentage, and much more information. All of these free insights can be used to more effectively strategize. Digital media brand managers will tailor social media messages differently than marketers who are more in the print or broadcast department. All of these teams can work together to gather information to have a consistent voice. One of the largest challenges for companies especially corporations, when switching to digital advertising is finding their voice online.

Social media and obtaining an online presence has become something that is crucial to maintaining a brand. Marketing managers are no longer graph interpreters at the head of board meeting. As the switch to digital marketing is necessary, marketing and brand managers have to learn to instantly engage with their consumers. It is their job to start online conversations, monitor and engage with consumers, and provide consistent content for their consumers to engage with.

These online technologies make it completely viable for them to do so. Google analytics also provides an abundance of information regarding search engine optimization (SEO). When companies are branding their content, it might not always be what comes up at the top of the page on google. Learning to optimizing efficiency in searchable content with be beneficial for brand managers and marketing managers. Utilizing Google analytics and online technologies can make this easier for marketing teams to understand more from a consumer viewpoint when doing organic searches.

Aside from free online technologies like social media and web engine search data analytics, marketing managers can allocate funds to a digital media budget. Financial investments in digital media content and post boosting can prove to have a significantly positive ROI. Boosting posts is an online technology that is relatively simple and can be cheap to do. Depending on the amount of money spent, boosting posts will make it automatically show up in followers feeds, whether it’s on Facebook or Twitter. Some posts can be boosted for just a few dollars, whereas the more money allocated to a certain post, the more coverage it will see from social media users and brand followers. Boosting posts can be extremely effective for audience growth.

Another way to efficiently allocated digital media budget finances is to invest in data collection software and databases. Although the free online data analytic services can be highly beneficial, purchasing advance software technologies will have an even more positive impact on data collection insights and information for brand audience growth and analysis. Some installed softwares can allow users to actually see other company information so that they can run a SWOT (Strengths, Opportunities, Threats, Weaknesses) analysis on their company. By looking even deeper into demographic information on consumers and discovering more about their purchase behaviors, marketing and brand manager are able to more effectively market to consumers and predict their purchase behaviors.

Audience understanding comes first with proper insight into consumer behavior. To do this, marketers have to invest time into developing market research campaigns and then learning how to measure their analytics. Potential success can be measured through campaign-based metrics or by on-going analytics. Campaign-based metrics analyzes marketing campaigns from the before and after. This is where having plugins and software technology can become beneficial for digital media marketers because it can give automatic updates and measurements whereas without the software, a market researcher would have to manual compute the mathematical information and put it into graphs or a gantt chart. Online data collection technology will be revolutionary in the coming years for the marketing industry.

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