Most of us, upon graduating university are trying to get into companies, looking for a 9 to 5 job and settle ourselves down in our careers. Sure, that was realistic twenty years ago, but now, landing yourself the job that fulfils all your needs both personally and financially are coming to a halt. Now, more and more people are opting for an e-commerce option for creating their own careers and businesses. Some may have always seen themselves as entrepreneurs while others are getting into e-commerce because they see the profit and freedom in it. Though at one point it was highly costly to create a website and promote your product, however now, through the increasing development starting your own company online is becoming increasingly easier.
Naturally, like any business, online or offline, starting a business isn’t easy. Business, no matter what industry you’re getting into is filled with competition. It’s a dog-eat-dog world. Though e-commerce is only 10% of the retail market, in a world of seven billion people, that’s still a large market. However, regardless if a company is based on e-commerce, most businesses are jumping online and making sure their business is being seen via Instagram, Facebook, and their own websites. Without being online, your business isn’t going to last. The future of business is online.
Today, there are literally unlimited resources to get your business up and running. The future of making money doesn’t necessarily mean you need any specific technical skills. Most people running successful websites have never written a line of code or built their website from scratch and why would they? Platforms such as Shopify allow users to completely build your website with all the supplies you need, including templates, payment methods, social media, etc. In essence, they’ll be able to support you on your front and back-end of your website. In addition, if you need someone to design your Shopify page, you can hire someone online through a freelance website such as UpWork.
If a website is selling a physical product, they can work with platforms such as Printful which organized the supply management sector of your business. Meaning, from production to shipping, of course, depending on what you’re selling, you’ll be able to get your business running and have the products shipped on time to the respected customer. In essence, the only thing the owner needs to make sure is that their site is being marketed properly and everything is running smoothly. Other than that, there’s no need to learn the back-end of their site as it’s all done for them. This is the future of business.
In addition, not everyone, when entering a business, is exceptional at everything that encompasses a business. Not everyone can sit at the office for eight hours a day. Some people like to work at night while others like to get up early. Some people are more creative and prefer to focus on the product while others are interested in pushing sales or focusing on marketing. The typical job doesn’t accommodate people’s needs and preferences, rather, people have to work themselves around the job. And if you wanted to go online back in the day, you had to learn and become an expert in all these sides of the business in order for it to sustain itself. However, now through e-commerce, entrepreneurs are able to focus on what they should be focusing on: marketing, customer relations, and strategy.
Through technology and hungry entrepreneurs, businesses are being created and developed in order to support new and growing businesses. Yes, business, online or offline, is based on competition, but now it’s easier to start on equal footing as your competition. You’re all given the same social media, the same platforms to voice your message. Now what it comes down to is your product and your marketing strategy. And what’s great is that now, you’re able to start a business without any real previous knowledge as you aren’t the one who’s creating the physical website.
People often question if the online business industry is going to last and the answer is, it’s going to become even bigger. As more people have smartphones, Paypal accounts, and credit cards, online shopping will continue to grow as the demand will also continue to grow. Online is not only easier for the business owner, it’s also easier for the consumer. They can click around, look for items they like, order them, and then receive those items in a couple of days at their front door. No gas is being spent driving to the mall and no time is being wasted standing in lines. It’s efficient and that’s why it works. As entrepreneurs continue to see the value in online shopping, more and more will hop on board and join in on the profits. This is the future of making money.
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