The Unity of Experience: Vision, Inspiration and Perception


“If the scales of perception fell from our eyes, we would see everything as it really is, infinite” — William Blake

You may have heard of The 1953 Asch Conformity Experiment which is just one of many experiments that have powerfully demonstrated how human beings seem to have an in-built inclination to fit in with the rest of the group (even if that group is wrong).

How about the experiments carried out at Maimonides Medical Center in Brooklyn, New York by Montague Ullman, MD in the mid 1960s which yielded fascinating results involving people successfully transmitting thoughts between each other telepathically?

We are in for even stranger days as the U.S. Army wants to use digital dreams to help heal troops suffering form PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder) with pixelated comrades that protect the dream walker.

Buddhist believe in Indra’s Web or Net which says that all phenomena is interconnected and if you understand the big bang theory, it in essence implies that everything began from a single point.

The convergence of science and metaphysics seems to be drawing closer than we think…

In “My Big Toe”, Tom Campbell who worked at The Monroe Institute writes that he as well as other participants were able to verify a mutual meeting while asleep.

Although the concept of ‘mutual dreaming’, where people walk around in each others’ dreams was brought into popular culture most recently by the movie Inception’, many ancient and indigenous cultures have long had the dream realm or ‘the dreaming’ incorporated into their belief systems.

Paleolithic rock art has been found to have features of archetypal dreams such as the depiction of falling or flying and for a long time, many cultures have established complex rituals around dreams including the Iroquois people who acted out tabooed dreams two times a year.

So let’s say that two (or more) participants were to share a dream or out of body experience and if you feel that a biological ‘syncing up’ is necessary for such a thing to occur, it logically should follow that they might need to have their REM cycles in sync.

When we understand the implications of ‘entrainment’, we begin to see how synchronization of this kind could possibly come about.

Broadly defined, entrainment is the synchronization of independent rhythmic processes and it does apparently happen in humans.

Humans are an interesting species because (in addition to other things), they can entrain their movements to an external timekeeper such as a beating drum.

The English neurosurgeon Gray Walter was the first to report that at certain ‘entrainment’ frequencies of the external stimulus, people would enter trance-like states.

With the New Age movements of the world seemingly going through a sort of renaissance and numerous personalities, gurus as well as websites like the German Yoga Online Shop Ana Heart cropping up, it seems that a clear understanding of objectives is in order.

Ancient disciplines such as yoga have (at their core) a far deeper purpose than flexibility, health or a chic lifestyle (even though those are pretty good things too).

In Indian/Hindu metaphysics (specifically Shivaism), the universe is constantly maintained, destroyed and recreated by entrainment to the dance of Shiva and through the practice of mantra yoga, human experience can be set to the same frequencies that belong to other forms of existence.

It is a view that is somewhat similar to that of the ability possessed by chanting or prayers in altering our sense of time and space, a form of consciously induced entrainment.

As if that wasn’t enough, let’s take it up a notch and throw the phenomenon of ‘remote viewing’ into this already tantalizing mix. Those among us that are more intuitive and may have dabbled in meditation or dream sharing could have (possibly significant) remote viewing capabilities and that’s where things start to really scale up.

A form of psychic ability which is apparently quite common, remote viewers can ‘see’ scenes or objects which are miles and miles away (sometimes even in outer space) using just the power of their mind. It is said that trained remote viewers hit their “targets” with at least 80-90% accuracy.

Meditation or practices such as yoga may assist you in the process of emptying your mind in order to properly hit your remote viewing targets.

However, when all is said and done, even if you have no intention of reading someone’s mind or reaching a ‘higher plane’, you could simply associate remote viewing, mutual dreaming and other ‘out there’ phenomenon to the very basic (and very human) trait that many great visionaries have spoken of and experienced for themselves, that flash of insight that great business leaders such as Akio Morita, the co-founder of Sony have attributed to their success and which seems to be an inherent part of all of us.

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