Save My Spot/Guarde Mi Espacio: Summer 2017
If you were accepted to the program, please let us know if you will attend by returning the card sent by mail OR by completing this web form.
Si fue aceptado al programa, avísenos si usted nos acompañara enviando el formulario “guarde mi espacio” que le llego por correo O llenando el formulario en esta página.
Student's Name (First and Last)/ Nombre completo del estudiante
Guardian's Name (First and Last)/Nombre completo del padre/tutor
Student's School/Escuela del estudiante
Student's Grade/Grado del estudiante
6th (current 5th graders)
7th (current 6th graders)
8th (current 7th graders)
9th (current 8th graders)
Please use the drop down menu to select your grade (6-9).
I understand the attendance requirements for the Ulysses S. Grant Foundation and commit to attend all dates from June 26 – August 4, 2017.
Yes, I understand the attendance requirements for the Ulysses S. Grant Foundation and commit to attend all dates from June 26 – August 4, 2017/ Comprendo los requisitos de asistencia para la Fundación Ulysses S. Grant y me comprometo a asistir a todos las fechas desde del junio 26 hasta el agosto 4 del 2017.
No, I will not be able to attend U.S. Grant this summer / No, no puedo participar en el programa este verano
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