
[19] Jinrong Wu, Wei Qu, Guangsu Huang, Siyuan Wang, Cheng Huang, Han Liu, Super-Resolution Fluorescence Imaging of Spatial Organization of Proteins and Lipids in Natural Rubber, Biomacromolecules, Vol. 18, Issue 6, 1705-1712, (2017). (HTML)

[18] Siyuan Wang, Jun-Han Su, Brian J. Beliveau, Bogdan Bintu, Jeffrey R. Moffitt, Chao-ting Wu, Xiaowei Zhuang, Spatial organization of chromatin domains and compartments in single chromosomes, Science, Vol. 353, Issue 6299, 598-602, DOI: 10.1126/science.aaf8084, (2016). (HTML) Highlighted in F1000Prime.

[17] Siyuan Wang#, Jun-Han Su, Feng Zhang and Xiaowei Zhuang, An RNA-aptamer-based two-color CRISPR labeling system, Scientific Reports, Vol. 6, 26857, (2016). #Corresponding author. (HTML)

[16] Jeffrey R. Moffitt, Shristi Pandey, Alistair N. Boettiger, Siyuan Wang, Xiaowei Zhuang, Spatial organization shapes the turnover of a bacterial transcriptome, Elife, Vol. 5, e13065, (2016). (HTML)

[15] Alistair N. Boettiger, Bogdan Bintu, Jeffrey R. Moffitt, Siyuan Wang, Brian J. Beliveau, Geoffrey Fundenberg, Maxim Imakaev, Leonid A. Mirny, Chao-ting Wu, and Xiaowei Zhuang, Super-resolution imaging reveals distinct chromatin folding for different epigenetic states, Nature, Vol. 529, 418-422, (2016). (HTML)

[14] Kok Hao Chen, Alistair N. Boettiger, Jeffrey R. Moffitt, Siyuan Wang, and Xiaowei Zhuang, Spatially resolved, highly multiplexed RNA profiling in single cells, Science, DOI: 10.1126/science.aaa6090, (2015). (HTML) Highlighted in F1000Prime.

[13] Siyuan Wang, Jeffrey R. Moffitt, Graham T. Dempsey, X. Sunney Xie, and Xiaowei Zhuang, Characterization and development of photoactivatable fluorescent proteins for single-molecule–based superresolution imaging, PNAS, Vol. 111, No. 23, 8452-8457, (2014). (HTML) Highlighted in F1000Prime.

[12] Xinliang Xu, Hao Ge, Chan Gu, Yi Qin Gao, Siyuan S. Wang, Beng Joo Reginald Thio, James T. Hynes, X. Sunney Xie, and Jianshu Cao, Modeling spatial correlation of DNA deformation: DNA allostery in protein binding, The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, Vol. 117, 13378-13387, (2013). (HTML)

[11] Sangjin Kim, Erik Brostromer, Dong Xing, Jianshi Jin, Shasha Chong, Hao Ge, Siyuan Wang, Chan Gu, Lijiang Yang, Yi Qin Gao, Xiao-dong Su, Yujie Sun, and X. Sunney Xie, Probing Allostery Through DNA, Science, Vol. 339, 816-819, (2013). (PDF)

[10] Siyuan Wang and Ned S. Wingreen, Cell shape can mediate the spatial organization of the bacterial cytoskeleton, Biophysical Journal, Vol. 104, 541-552, (2013). (HTML)

[9] Siyuan Wang# and Joshua W. Shaevitz, The mechanics of shape in prokaryotes, Frontiers in Bioscience (Scholar Edition), Vol. 5, 564-574, (2013). #Corresponding author. (HTML)

[8] Siyuan Wang, Leon Furchtgott, Kerwyn Casey Huang, and Joshua W. Shaevitz, Helical insertion of peptidoglycan produces chiral ordering of the bacterial cell wall, PNAS, Vol. 109, No. 10, E595-E604, (2012). (HTML)

[7] Siyuan Wang, Mechanics, dynamics and organization of the bacterial cytoskeleton and cell wall, Ph. D. Dissertation, Princeton University, (2011). (HTML)

[6] Sven van Teeffelen, Siyuan Wang, Leon Furchtgott, Kerwyn Casey Huang, Ned S. Wingreen, Joshua W. Shaevitz, and Zemer Gitai, The bacterial actin MreB rotates, and rotation depends on cell-wall assembly, PNAS, Vol. 108, No. 38, 15822-15827, (2011). (HTML) Highlighted by HFSP.

[5] Siyuan Wang, Hugo Arellano-Santoyo, Peter A. Combs, and Joshua W. Shaevitz, Actin-like cytoskeleton filaments contribute to cell mechanics in bacteria, PNAS, Vol. 107, No. 20, 9182-9185, (2010). (HTML)

[4] Siyuan Wang, Hugo Arellano-Santoyo, Peter A. Combs, and Joshua W. Shaevitz, Measuring the Bending Stiffness of Bacterial Cells Using an Optical Trap, JoVE, vol. 38, doi: 10.3791/2012, (2010). (HTML)

[3] Ming Ni*, Siyuan Wang*, and Qi Ouyang, Modelling the SOS response by semi-stochastic simulation, Chinese Physics Letters, Vol. 25, No. 7, 2702-2705, (2008). *Co-first authors. (HTML)

[2] Ming Ni, Siyuan Wang, Jikun Li, and Qi Ouyang, Simulating the temporal modulation of inducible DNA damage response in Escherichia coli, Biophysical Journal, Vol. 93, 62-73, (2007). (HTML)

[1] Siyuan Wang, Yuping Zhang, and Qi Ouyang, Stochastic model of coliphage lambda regulatory network, Physical Review E, Vol. 73, No. 041922, (2006). (HTML)