Wait, Who Are These Adorable People?

Only the cutest, most awesome, sassy, sexy, flawless dance family ever! At Danceworks, we’ll love you to death. We’ll cheer louder than anyone and scream your name at every show. It’s the friendliest environment you could ever want to perform in.

We like bright colors. We like glitter. We like Beyoncé. No, we are Beyoncé. And we like to Work, Work, Work, Work, Work, Work.

We’re overly enthusiastic and overly excited about ALL THE THINGS and NOT SORRY AT ALL. Outside of practice and our fantastic shows, you might find us busting out a chair dance in the middle of a party, sassing it up at football halftime shows as Beyoncés, not dropping that thun thun thun in a silent floating dance party, having all the feels at a So You Think You Can Dance live show, and suddenly appearing in flash mobs on Old Campus.

But you’ll never truly understand what DW LOVE is unless you JOIN US!

Without Further Ado, we present to you…

The Spring 2018 Board

Aivy Duong ES ’21 | Co-President

Aivy is a Sophomore in Ezra Stiles College who is currently majoring in HSMPH as well as possibly Econ. Aside from Danceworks, you can catch her performing with Steppin’ Out, where she is also the practice coordinator, acting as one of the Whips for the Yale College Council of Representatives, or working in Stiles as an office aide. She’s been involved with Danceworks since her first year, and considers Danceworks one of her favorite and most rewarding extracurriculars at Yale. She takes pride in seeing the dancers’ hard work come to fruition whenever they successfully complete a set of performances!

Amanda Zhang BF ’21 | Co-President

Amanda Zhang is a sophomore in Benjamin Franklin college double majoring in Economics and Environmental Studies. On campus, she is a peer liaison for the Asian American Cultural Center, a member of Yale Undergraduate Consulting Group, and a co – account executive manager of the Yale Daily News Business Board, but Danceworks holds a very special place in her heart. She believes performing is a unique joy that everyone should be able to experience, and loves seeing all the members dedicate themselves both to trying new things and furthering previous interests. During the DW shows, you can catch her in the wings singing off-key along to the dance music and cheering at the top of her lungs for the DW fam that is so full of love and support 🙂

Brittany Clarke SY ’20 | Rehearsal Manager

Brittany is a junior in Saybrook majoring in Psychology. Brittany spends a lot of her time working in a psychology lab and also serves on board for mentoring organization, New Haven REACH. She also enjoys being a student ambassador for Yale during school breaks. Friends, family, and cookie dough make Brittany happy but Danceworks has been making Brittany happy since forever ago (first semester freshman year), and she looks forward to being your Rehearsal Manager for a second semester!

Helena Bui PM ’20 | Social Co-Chair

Helena is currently a junior in Pauli Murray College (originally from Morse) and studies History of Science, Medicine, and Public Health while also being pre-med. She’s been involved in DW since the spring of her freshman year and this will be her third semester on DW board (yeah, we know, she’s getting old af but she loves everyone so much, she just doesn’t want to leave just yet!). DW has given her a wonderful family, a place to express herself, and she loves it as much as she loves sweet potato chips, jamming out to Taylor Swift, and reading whatever random books she can get her hands on. You can find her on campus near the med school, leading Yale’s chapter of United Against Inequities in Disease or binge-watching The Office or scary movies with some friends! Don’t hesitate to say hello if you see her watching over/bartending at DW parties or walking down the street (but careful, because she might be super excited to meet/see you and give you a big hug).

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