Cities, states, regions, companies and investors are taking actions to address climate change. The scope of these actions is broad, covering hundreds of jurisdictions and encompassing a significant fraction of the global economy. Citizens, too, are mobilizing through signed petitions and climate marches. This ongoing action extends beyond what is captured in the Non-State Actor Zone for Climate Action (NAZCA), which records over 10,000 climate actions from nearly 5,000 actors.  An update of the broad support for climate action across a diverse range of actors follows below:

  • Over 7,000 cities from more than 99 countries, with a combined population of 794 million  (11 percent of the global population) and around 32 percent of global GDP.
  • Sub-national states and regions with a population of 779 million (11 percent of the global population) in 20 countries, covering over a fifth of global land surface area (29.9 million square kilometers) and 20 percent ($17.5 trillion USD) of global GDP.
  • Close to 5,000 companies from over 88 countries representing over $38 trillion USD in revenue.
  • Nearly 500 investors with assets under management of more than $25 trillion, one-third of total global assets.
  • Over 1.55 million people who have marched for climate action between 2014 and 2015. More than 13 million people, drawn from every country in the world, have signed petitions.

Full report: Assessing the Wider World of Non-state and Sub-national Climate Action