
In Review:
Zhao, M., Zhang, S., Tarhan, L.G., Reinhard, C. and Planavsky, N.J., In revision, The role of calcium in regulating marine phosphorus burial and atmospheric oxygenation.

Published or In Press:
30. Konhauser, K.O., Hao, W., Li, Y., von Gunten, K., Bishop, B.A., Alessi, D.S., Tarhan, L.G., O’Connell, B., Robbins, L.J., Planavsky, N.J., and Gingras, M.K., Accepted, Diopatra cuprea worm burrow parchment: A cautionary tale of infaunal surface reactivity: Lethaia.

29. Droser, M.L., Gehling, J.G., Tarhan, L.G., Evans, S.D., Hall, C.M.S., Hughes, I.V., Hughes, E.B., Dzaugis, M.E., Dzaugis, M.P., Dzaugis, P.W. and Rice, D., 2019, Piecing together the puzzle of the Ediacara Biota: Excavation and reconstruction at the Ediacara National Heritage site Nilpena (South Australia): Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, v. 513, p. 132-145.

28. Tarhan, L.G., 2018, Phanerozoic shallow marine sole marks and substrate evolution: Geology, v. 46, p. 755-758.

27. Tarhan, L.G., Droser, M.L., Cole, D.B. and Gehling, J.G., 2018, Ecological expansion and extinction in the late Ediacaran: weighing the evidence for environmental and biotic drivers. Integrative and Comparative Biology, v. 58, p. 688-702 (invited contribution).

26. Wei, G.-Y., Planavsky, N.J., Tarhan, L.G., Chen, X., Wei, W., Li, D. and Ling, H.-F., 2018, Marine redox fluctuation as a potential trigger for the Cambrian explosion: Geology, v. 46, p. 587-590.

25. Tarhan, L.G., 2018, The early Paleozoic development of bioturbation—evolutionary and geobiological consequences: Earth-Science Reviews (invited review), v.178, p. 177-207.

24. Tarhan, L.G., Planavsky, N.J., Wang, X., Bellefroid, E.J., Droser, M.L. and Gehling, J.G., 2018, Late-stage ‘ferruginization’ of the Ediacara Member (Rawnsley Quartzite, South Australia): Insights from uranium isotopes: Geobiology, v. 16, p. 35-48.

23. Droser, M.L., Tarhan, L.G. and Gehling, J.G., 2017, The rise of animals in a changing environment: Global ecological innovation in the late Ediacaran: Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences, v. 45, p. 593-617.

22. Tarhan, L.G., 2017, Meiofauna mute the Cambrian Explosion: Nature Ecology and Evolution, doi: 10.1038/s41559-017-0324-2.

21. McMahon, S., Tarhan, L.G. and Briggs, D.E.G., 2017, Decay of the sea anemone Metridium (Actiniaria): Implications for the preservation of soft-bodied diploblast-grade animals: Palaios, v. 32, p. 388-395.

20. Tarhan, L.G., Droser, M.L., Gehling, J.G. and Dzaugis, M.P., 2017, Microbial mat sandwiches and other anactualistic sedimentary features of the Ediacara Member (Rawnsley Quartzite, South Australia): Implications for interpretation of the Ediacaran sedimentary record: Palaios, v. 32, p. 181-194.

19. Sappenfield, A.D., Tarhan, L.G. and Droser, M.L., 2017, Earth’s oldest jellyfish strandings: A unique taphonomic window or just another day at the beach?: Geological Magazine, v. 154, p. 859-874.

18. Tarhan, L.G., Hood, A.v.S., Droser, M.L., Gehling, J.G. and Briggs, D.E.G., 2017, Delusions of dirt: Ediacara organisms were not soil dwellers—Reply: Geology, doi:10.1130/G38858Y.1.

17. Tarhan, L.G., Hood, A.v.S., Droser, M.L., Gehling, J.G. and Briggs, D.E.G., 2016, Exceptional preservation of soft-bodied Ediacara Biota promoted by silica-rich oceans: Geology, v. 44, p. 951-954.

16. Anderson, R.P., Tarhan, L.G., Cummings, K.E., Planavsky, N.P. and Bjørnerud, M., 2016, Macroscopic structures in the 1.1 Ga continental Copper Harbor Formation: Concretions or fossils?: Palaios, v. 31, p. 327-338.

15. Tarhan, L.G., Haddad, E., Hall, C.M.S., Dahl, R.M., Hancock, L.G., Henry, S.E., Joel, L.V., Thomson, T.J. and Droser, M.L., 2016, Seafloor colonization in the earliest Paleozoic: evidence from the Cambrian of Death Valley: Proceedings of the Death Valley Natural History Association, p. 355-379 (Invited contribution).

14. Darroch, S., Locatelli, E., McCoy, V., Clark, E., Anderson, R., Tarhan, L. and Hull, P., 2016, Taphonomic disparity in foraminifera as a paleo-indicator for seagrass: Palaios, v. 31, p. 242-258.

13. McCoy, V.E., Saupe, E.E., Lamsdell, J.C., Tarhan, L.G., McMahon, S., Lidgard, S., Mayer, P., Whalen, C.D., Soriano, C., Finney, L., Vogt, S., Clark, E.G., Anderson, R.P., Petermann, H., Locatelli, E.R. and Briggs, D.E.G., 2016, The Tully Monster is a vertebrate: Nature, v. 532, p. 496-499.

12. Li, C., Planavsky, N.J., Shi, W., Zhang, Z., Zhou, C., Cheng, M., Tarhan, L.G., Luo, G. and Xie, S., 2015, Ediacaran marine redox heterogeneity and early animal ecosystems: Scientific Reports, v. 5, doi: 10.1038/srep17097.

11. Tarhan, L.G., Droser, M.L., Planavsky, N.J. and Johnston, D., 2015, Protracted development of bioturbation through the early Palaeozoic Era: Nature Geoscience, v. 8, p. 865-869.

10. Planavsky, N.J., Tarhan, L.G., Bellefroid, E.J., Evans, D.A.D., Reinhard, C.T., Love, G. and Lyons, T.W., 2015, Late Proterozoic transitions in climate, oxygen, and tectonics, and the rise of complex life: The Paleontological Society Papers, v. 21, p. 47-82.

9. Tarhan, L.G., and Laflamme, M., 2015, An examination of the evolution of Ediacaran paleoenvironmental and paleoecological research: Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, v. 434, p. 1-3.

8. Tarhan, L.G., Droser, M.L. and Gehling, J.G., 2015, Depositional and preservational environments of the Ediacara Member, Rawnsley Quartzite (South Australia): Assessment of paleoenvironmental proxies and the timing of ‘ferruginization:’ Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, v. 434, p. 4-13.

7. Tarhan, L.G., Droser, M.L., Gehling, J.G. and Dzaugis, M.P., 2015, Taphonomy and morphology of the Ediacara form genus Aspidella: Precambrian Research, v. 257, p. 124-136.

6. Tarhan, L.G., Droser, M.L. and Hughes, N., 2014, Mixed layer development and exceptional trace fossil preservation in Cambro-Ordovician siliciclastic strata: Cambro-Ordovician Studies V, Memoirs of the Association of Australasian Palaeontologists (ed. Laurie, J.), v. 45, p. 71-88.

5. Tarhan, L.G. and Droser, M.L., 2014, Widespread delayed mixing in early to middle Cambrian marine shelfal settings: Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, v. 399, p. 310-322.

4. Tarhan, L.G., Hughes, N.C., Myrow, P.M., Bhargava, O.N., Ahluwalia, A.D. and Kudryavtsev, A.B., 2014, Precambrian–Cambrian boundary interval occurrence and form of the enigmatic tubular body fossil Shaanxilithes ningqiangensis from the Lesser Himalaya of India: Palaeontology, v. 57, p. 283-298.

3. Tarhan, L.G., Planavsky, N.J., Laumer, C.E., Stolz, J.F. and Reid, R.P., 2013, Microbial mat controls on infaunal abundance and diversity in modern marine microbialites: Geobiology, v. 11, p. 485-497.

2. Tarhan, L.G., Jensen, S. and Droser, M.L., 2012, Furrows and firmgrounds: evidence for predation and implications for Palaeozoic substrate evolution in Rusophycus “hunting burrows” from the Silurian of east-central New York: Lethaia, v. 45, p. 329-341.

1. Tarhan, L.G., Droser, M.L. and Gehling, J.G., 2010, Taphonomic controls on Ediacaran diversity: uncovering the holdfast origin of morphologically variable enigmatic structures: Palaios, v. 25, p. 823-830.