Opportunities at CNSPY
CNSPY recruits talented and motivated STEM graduate students and postdocs at Yale to drive the growth and development of the organization as part of the Leadership Team. Members of the leadership team engage in a variety of activities ranging from business development, communications and public relations, brand management, program management and event organization, while continually recruiting career mentors and faculty advisors. These activities provide challenging opportunities for personal and professional growth and skill development and allow you to build an extensive professional network of peers and mentors while having a lot of fun with a creative and collaborative team.
How to apply
Candidates may apply specifically to currently open positions that are being advertised or apply to join the team as a Project Manager to start their own project as long as it is aligned with CNSPY’s long-term goals and missions. In both cases, successful candidates will have the option to complete projects with different subcommittees thus diversifying their marketable skills. If you have a vision for the long-term growth of CNSPY and its contribution to its members’ career development goals and would like to work towards making your vision a reality, you may apply to join the executive board after successfully completing your first project.
To apply please download the application form for Project Manager and submit the completed form via email to administrator@careernetworkforsciencephds.org or via this contact form. You may either provide the information requested in the application form in the body of the email/contact form or as a file attachment. If you are applying to a specific position please state the position in the subject field. If you are applying to start your own project, please state “General Application for CNSPY Project Manager” in the subject line and clearly describe your project’s mission, goals and timeline in your application.