Meet the Consultants: Neurology!

Pearls, video, slides from MTC:Ortho

Thanks to everyone who came out!

Key pearls: always get XR (even if already have MRI/CT), ESR/CRP (procalcitonin not yet well studied in ortho literature)

Also learned that meniscal tears very common with osteoarthritis and rotator cuff tears are also common.

Different PGY2 every day of the week, and PGY3 covering nights and weekends. Signout at 7AM and 4:30PM so keep in mind when calling consults.

Full slides here:

Video here:

Meet the Consultants: Orthopedics!


Video here:

Meet The Consultants: Pediatric Cardiology! January 29th, 2019!

We hope you all had a wonderful holiday!

The YRFS Education Council is excited to start off the year with MTC featuring Pediatric Cardiology!!!

Please be sure to RSVP here:

Video here:

Slides here:

Resources from MTC: Ophtho!

Thanks to everyone who came!

Video recording of the event:


Meet the consultants: Ophthalmology! Dec 18th!

RSVP here:

Resources from MTC: Cardiology

Thanks to Kerrilynn Carney for deconstructing a very complicated Cardiology Consult service!

Slides here:

Video of the even can be viewed here:

Thanks again to Dr. Scott Sussman and the YNHH Clinical Redesign team for sponsoring the event!

Upcoming event: Meet the Consultants: Cardiology!

November 27, 2018

6:30-7:30 PM

Fitkin Auditorium

Dinner provided!

Comment here with any specific questions you have for the Cardiologists!

RSVP here!


Clinical Library Resources

Thanks to everyone who came out to the Meet & Greet event!

Here are some resources from the event:

“Walk in Wednesday” with Alyssa from 8-10p

Mobile App Monday – 8-10pm at the library.

All classes can be found here

Meet & Greet: Clinical Apps & Research Resources with our Clinical Librarians

The YRFS Education Council is excited to collaborate with the librarians at the Yale Cushing/Whitney Medical Library invite you to this upcoming clinical/research resources event:

A “Meet & Greet: Clinical Apps & Research Resources,” a resources fair with the librarians where there will be mini-stations based on two main topics:

1. Point of Care Resources

  • UpToDate & DynaMed Plus & VisualDX
  • uCentral (PubMed Prime)
  • Micromedex
  • Read by QxMD
  • ClinicalKey
2. Research resources:
  • EndNote,
  • Scholarly/Publishing (Impact factor, Scopus h-index, ORCID, JCR, where to publish, finding a journals impact factor)
  • Qualtrics,
  • Stats consultant,
  • Quicksearch, VPN, ILL
Where: Yale Cushing/Whitney Medical Library – C103 (outside the library entrance)

When: Thursday, November 8th, 2018 from 6:30-8PM

Food: Pitaziki!

Bonus: The first five people to RSVP to the council chairs (see emails below) will receive a FREE ticket to Solidarity Night at the Peabody! We will give out the tickets at the clinical/research resources event.

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