Sensory Physiology Labs at Yale

Collaborative projects between Slav Bagriantsev and Elena Gracheva Laboratories at Yale University

Cell Reports

A new study on the role of Piezo2 in mechanosensory specialization of trigeminal neurons is out on the cover of Cell Reports!

Schneider ER, Anderson EO, Feketa VV, Mastrotto M, Nikolaev YA, Gracheva EO, Bagriantsev SN. A cross-species analysis reveals a common strategy for mechanosensory specialization in trigeminal ganglia. Cell Reports 2019, 26(8): 1979-1987.

UPD: an interesting viewpoint on our study on “Why Evolution is True” by Matthew Cobb: Duck beaks, Umwelt and Kantian a prioris

UPD2: More press coverage on this story (also presented at Biophysical Meeting 2019): EurekAlert, Lab Manager, Phys.Org,,, also International: 20, Diario de Navarra (Spanish), (German).

UPD3: A recommendation by Ilya Ruvinsky on F1000:  Neuro-Eco-Evo-Devo.

Squirrels in National Wildlife

Surviving Seasonal Slumber: a nice piece inspired by our TRPM8 paper is out in this issue of National Wildlife!

Read the full story here.

More press coverage on this paper is here.

Sensory Physiology Club with New Haven schools

24 students from  from New Haven schools came to Yale today to hear about science at our Sensory Physiology Club!

Jenny’s Neuroscience R.I.P. talk

Jenny gave a terrific talk at Neuroscience RIP seminar!


A new paper from our lab is out in eLife. Congratulations to Wang!

Zheng W, Gracheva EO, Bagriantsev SN. A hydrophobic gate in the inner pore helix is the major determinant of inactivation in mechanosensitive Piezo channels. eLife 2019, 8:e44003.

Sarah passes prelims

Congratulations to Sarah on successfully passing her qualifying exams!


Lyle Murphy joins Elena’s lab

Lyle Murthy joins Elena’s groups as a Research Assistant. Welcome Lyle!

Eve leaves the lab to start her own

Another bittersweet news this year. Eve Schneider, the first postdoc in Slav’s lab, leaves the lab to become an Assistant Professor in the Biology Department at University of Kentucky.Good luck, Professor Schneider!

Lydia leaves the lab to start a postdoc

Lydia is leaving Elena’s lab to become a postdoc in the amazing lab of Dan Tracey.

Good luck, Dr. Hoffstaetter!

Jorg Grandl’s seminar

Jorg Grandl gave a terrific seminar on gating of Piezo channels!

Lydia Hoffstaetter, PhD

Today is Lydia’s defense! Elena is observing the battlefield.Lydia looks very relaxed.Presentation!Slides!Data!After long deliberation on behalf of the committee (Slav, Elena, Fred, Sulayman and Susumu), Lydia is finally a PhD!A special cake for electrophysiology PhD-seekers.Cutting. Guided by Elena’s hand, naturally.Congratulations to the newly minted Dr. Lydia Hoffstaetter (right next to the easy-to-find Evan).


A collaborative study between Elena and David Julius’ group is published in PNAS.

Emrick JJ, Mathur A, Wei J, Gracheva EO, Gronert K, Rosenblum MD, Julius D. Tissue-specific contributions of Tmem79 to atopic dermatitis and mast cell-mediated histaminergic itch. PNAS 2018, e-pub 11/21/2018.

Evan’s Physiology R.I.P. talk

Evan right before the seminar (writing down last minute ideas)dring the seminar (showing the location of trigeminal ganglia)and right after!Great seminar! Finding Evan has never been easier!

Matt Andrews’ seminar

Matt Andres came to give a terrific talk on physiology of hibernation!

Marco, Lydia, Yury, Viktor, Matt, Jenny, Sarah.

Lydia and Marco’s paper is covered in J Exp Biol

A great commentary on Lydia and Marco’s recent paper in Current Biology is published in Journal of Experimental Biology:

Daniel Vahaba Hibernating squirrels tweak sodium channels to rest their brain.  (pdf)


Physiology Retreat 2018

Department of Physiology. Find Evan!LydiaEvanJennyJenny wins the 1st poster prize. Evan wins the 2nd (with Jack and Valeria)!!! Elena is awarding the prizes.Sarah, Lydia, Yury, ViktorJenny, Marco, Sarah, LydiaErdem, Susumu, Slav (Find Evan)Lydia (on the right) and VinceYury and AlbertoOrganized by Slav and Elena!

Jon Matson leaves Slav’s lab

Bittersweet news for both labs – Jon Matson is leaving us after almost four years of being an excellent tech in the lab. We will miss you, Jon! Good luck with your new job!

Thomas Park’s seminar

An excellent seminar by Thomas Park on physiology of naked mole rats!

Lydia’s committee meeting

Lydia has passed her green-light-for-defense committee meeting!

Right before the meeting…And right after!


We’re 6 years old!


Current Biology

Our new paper on excitability of sensory neurons during hibernation is out in Current Biology!

Hoffstaetter LJ*, Mastrotto M*, Merriman DK, Dib-Hajj SD, Waxman SG, Bagriantsev SN, Gracheva EO. Somatosensory neurons enter a state of altered excitability during hibernation. Curr Biol 2018, e-pub 08/30/18. *co-authors.

Sensory Physiology Club goes international

We’ve had a wonderful outreach session for 29 students from Yale Global Scholar program!

Sarah’s talk at INP

Sarah gave a terrific talk at INP RIP seminar!

Sarah’s support team. Find Evan.Great job, Sarah!

Yury Nikolaev joins Slav’s lab

Yury Nikolaev is now a postdoc in Slav’s lab

Welcome, Yury!

Sensory Physiology Club

We’ve had a wonderful week of lectures and experiments with students from Greater New Haven schools!

Now you can now watch lectures from this course on the sense of taste and smell on our SensoryPhysiologyClub channel.

We’ve launched Sensory Physiology Club in July of 2014. Since then, we’ve taught over 600 hundreds of kids!

Lydia gives a talk at ICN2018

Lydia is presenting her new story at the International Society for Neuroethology Meeting in Brisbane, Australia.

The photo is a little fuzzy, you see, but only because Australia is so far away…

Lydia receives a Graduate Travel Award

The Award will support Lydia’s travel to the International Congress of Neuroethology in Australia!

Lydia’s award makes it two this year for our students. Congratulations!

GRC Ion Channels 2018

Slav and Evan went to 2018 GRC Ion Channels meeting at Mt. Holoyoke College. Great science! Great fun!

Find Evan.

Current Biology

See our lab’s dispatch in Current Biology to a great paper by Harold Zakon’s group on fine-tuning of potassium channels in electric fish.

Gracheva EO, Bagriantsev SN. Communication: Potassium channels define the dialect. Curr Biol 2018, 28(13): R744-6.

Evan receives a Graduate Travel Award

Evan wins a Travel Award to attend the 2018 Ion channels GRC conference.


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