Sensory Physiology Labs at Yale

Collaborative projects between Slav Bagriantsev and Elena Gracheva Laboratories at Yale University

Month: December 2017

New York Times & NatGeo

More press coverage for our recent paper:

New York Times

National Geographic

The Scientist

Science News

Science Daily


Daily Mail

AAAS (Spanish)

Forskning (Norwegian)

Squirrels on the radio

Elena and Slav gave an interview to German WDR radio on the latest paper from Elena’s lab.

Warum Winterschläfer nicht so schnell frieren

Cell Reports cover!

Our paper on TRPM8 in hibernating animals is published in Cell Reports and featured on the cover!

Matos-Cruz V, Schneider E, Mastrotto M, Merriman D, Bagriantsev S, Gracheva E. Molecular prerequisites for diminished cold sensitivity in ground squirrels and hamsters. Cell Reports 2017, 21(12): 3329-37.

Lydia is the Bake-off Champion

Physiology 1st Annual Bake-off Championship!Amidst the cakes (find Evan)The winning cake!And the winner is – Lydia!This win adds to our collection of bake-off trophies (Marco won a CNNR bake-off in 2015)

Evan’s committee meeting

Evan is getting one step closer to his PhD. Before the committee meeting:and right after:


Our paper on Piezo2 and duckbill mechanosensitivity is featured on the cover of today’s issue of PNAS! Special thanks to Ryan Dunn for providing the photo.


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