Congratulations to Sarah on successfully passing her qualifying exams!
Lydia is leaving Elena’s lab to become a postdoc in the amazing lab of Dan Tracey.
Today is Lydia’s defense! Elena is observing the battlefield.Lydia looks very relaxed.Presentation!Slides!Data!After long deliberation on behalf of the committee (Slav, Elena, Fred, Sulayman and Susumu), Lydia is finally a PhD!A special cake for electrophysiology PhD-seekers.Cutting. Guided by Elena’s hand, naturally.Congratulations to the newly minted Dr. Lydia Hoffstaetter (right next to the easy-to-find Evan).
Sarah gave a terrific talk at INP RIP seminar!
Lydia is presenting her new story at the International Society for Neuroethology Meeting in Brisbane, Australia.
The photo is a little fuzzy, you see, but only because Australia is so far away…
The Award will support Lydia’s travel to the International Congress of Neuroethology in Australia!
Lydia’s award makes it two this year for our students. Congratulations!
Slav and Evan went to 2018 GRC Ion Channels meeting at Mt. Holoyoke College. Great science! Great fun!
Find Evan.
Evan wins a Travel Award to attend the 2018 Ion channels GRC conference.
Congratulations to Lydia, who won both the audience-favorite prize as well as the 2nd overall prize for the 3 minute thesis competition!
UPD: a video of Lydia’s presentation is now available.
Slav and Willem went to the Gordon Research Seminar and Conference on ion channels at Mt. Holyoke college.
Serious people came to present some serious science. Willem’s talk was voted best at the Seminar and he had to present it again during the last day of the Conference.
A very New England treat.Many thanks to Emily Liman and Chris Ahern for organizing the meeting!
Evan gave a great RIP seminar in Physiology department.
Unfortunately, no photo of this event exists. For those eagerly awaiting the next episode of the cryptic puzzle game “find Evan”, this time the quest will be spiritual.
(Find) Evan, Slav and Lydia at Biophys 2016 in LA!
INP recruitment reception at Yale Peabody Museum.
Neuroday 2015 on Yale West Campus
Elena’s talk
High-tech at Yale West Campus: to help get the point across, a new presentation system can digitally enhance the speaker’s image projected on the screen.Lydia
EvanWillem…and one more round: Lydia (find Evan)Evan and Jon (this one is easy)Willem
Super-challenge! Cryptic puzzle!Big thanks to the organizers and especially Carol Russo !
Today it was Lydia’s turn to give a Research-in-Progress seminar in the Neuroscience program.
Undeterred by a pizza delivery right in the middle of her talk, Lydia stayed the course gave one of the best INP R.I.P.s! Great job!
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