Sensory Physiology Labs at Yale

Collaborative projects between Slav Bagriantsev and Elena Gracheva Laboratories at Yale University

Category: Tools of the trade

Gracheva Lab moves to SHM

Elena’ lab has moved to a new home in Sterling Hall of Medicine.

Under construction.

Brand new benches!Moving in (find Evan).

Welcome to the new home of the Gracheva Lab!

Patch Rig III construction begins

Another technological terror is in the making.

2015-08-21 Rig3 wide

2015-08-21 Rig3 closeup

2015-08-21 Rig3 angle

Patch Rig II upgraded

Our Patch Rig 2 has been upgraded to have Ca-imaging capability.

2015-08-19 Rig2

Patch Rig II is in its near-complete stage

The Patch Rig II battlestation undergoes rigorous tests is real action. Most of the armament is now in place and fully operational.

Patch Rig 2Thank you, rig commander Eve!

Keep calm and polish pipettes

Electrode fabrication is no process for the faint-hearted. It’s an arduous task that requires stamina, perseverance, tenacity and binocular vision. Therefore, to keep up the high morale of our biophysicists, we’ve pinned up a redesigned poster classics.

keep-calm-and-polish-pipettes-1This and a custom-designed pipette holder for our CPM-2 microforge.

microforge 1

microforge 2

microforge 3Thank you John Buckley and Andrew Wilkins for design and manufacturing, and Eve for the idea!

A new rig is under construction…

Another technological terror is under way…

The beginning of Patch Rig II: Upright patch-clamp, slice-capable, dual mechano-controlled, temeprature-controlled + more


Multiclamp constructionTo-do list

Multiclamp list

Patch Rig I is battle-ready

Eve has finished the construction of a technological terror: a temperature-controlled double-mechano-equipped Ca-imaging/patch clamp rig.

Patch Rig 1_1

Patch Rig 1_2

The TEVC rig is launched

Our fully temeprature controlled two-electrode voltage clamp rig is ready for action.




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