Bringing safety back to the construction industry


Building in harmony with the earth has long been considered a tradition of many native cultures.

However, as we continue to be bombarded by heart-breaking images of devastation and displacement of wildlife and as dollars and cents become the prime driver, it is becoming all too clear that urban development today lacks empathy.

Amid this disregard for the natural world and our relation to it, it should come as no surprise that the safety of the people that build our homes, offices, buildings and cities is often left by the wayside despite the intervention of workers unions and government bodies.

Whether home to you is a cabin in the woods, a mansion in the hills, a serviced apartment or a flat in the concrete jungle, if you live within the confines of four walls and a roof, you are a customer of the construction industry.

The field of construction employs a whole host of folks and (as part of the job description) often places them in harm’s way.

A little like soldiers without the glory, these men and women brave unbelievable heights and even death, sometimes without proper precautions being taken to ensure their safety on the job.

The many cases of fatalities and injuries in the construction industry as a result of firms willing to cut corners when it comes to the safety of their workers should give us pause.

It is a sacred duty on the part of any employer to ensure safety on the job and to take concrete steps towards minimizing the risk of grievous injury and death. For the construction industry, this means implementing the safety regulations and standards set forth by the OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration).

Technology can also play a part in bringing much needed change. All the way from the planning stage, implementation of the right kind of software can enable architects to establish in digital form the way that a finished development should look like.

With the technology that we have at our disposal, architects today have no excuse to not build their work in the safest, most practical and most efficient way possible.

Virtual tours (via virtual reality) are already beginning to replace the old, expensive tools used to build mock-ups. Through virtual tours, visitors are able to experience the building/development as if they are actually there, allowing refinement of safety features to happen before a single brick, piece of steel or slab of concrete has even been placed.

Cases of death on the job due to possible contact with a vehicle should raise concerns about the ability of construction companies to properly manage their fleet. Although, fleet management is largely equated with the transportation/logistics industry, personal injury lawyers have a much needed place in construction as well.

Being able to properly manage the use, operation and maintenance of vehicles that construction companies operate can mean the difference between life and death and foster a safer, happier and healthier work environment.

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