The beginning of the future of telecommunications


The insistent rise of technology in its many forms has brought the world to its knees – and to new peaks – again and again. With the introduction of new technologies comes new consumer and marketing adaptations. What works for previous evolutions no longer does because these select strategies are based on what is ultimately outdated technological infrastructure. The technology that houses and produces telecommunications is a prime example of this. The fact is that practically the entire world’s population in developed countries (and even beyond these areas) are now used to having consistent and reliable cellular coverage, regardless of where they happen to be in the world. While reliance on strong network connectivity has been in play for years, it has never been more important than it is now, for telecommunications providers to perfect their approach. Millennials – a generation definitively reliant on technology – are now the telecommunication industry’s main target, and they expect the network providers they use to bring them the best of the best.

Millennials are known as the world’s first digitally-native generation, and they more than live up to the name. Millennials and their future offspring and further generations are the telecommunication industry’s primary audience now. This is a generation that has grown up literally surrounded by technology and the power of instantaneous communication, and they do not want to deal with network providers that cannot provide them with the cellular range to be operating on the fastest, most efficient networking speeds. What it all comes down to is evolution. We as a species have evolved over time, and so have the ways that we communicate with one another. Responsible for technological advancement, it may come as a surprise that we have, in the past, struggled to keep up with the multitude of revolutionary advancements as they have rolled fresh off the market and into the hands of our network providers.

Telecommunications has been the sporting grounds for significantly rapid evolutions over its time, particularly in recent years. Consumers have become familiarised and reliant on communicative technologies at a surprisingly fast rate. We communicate through email, text message, voice calls, video calls, and social media platforms. The introduction of smartphone has only made the reliance on technology stronger. Walking around with what is essentially a very small computer on our person day in and day out has forged a sense of connectivity that is at once both genuine and artificial. Genuine, in that we can forge real-time connections with people across vast oceans, and artificial, because we have come to rely on communication through devices which take away from in-person, face-to-face communication.

The irony in this is that in becoming more connected through telecommunications technology outlets, we have become so reliant on said outlets that we have pulled back from in-person connection as a direct consequence. This is not necessarily a bad thing – modern society is busier than ever, and having such strength in telecommunications technology takes the pressure off having to maintain in-person connections. Specifically, millennials are finding their voice in advocating for and insisting on strengthened and extensive connectivity, and innovations like the upcoming 5G network connectivity circuit are the telecommunication industry’s answers to these demands. The industry is listening to its consumers, and the primary demographic that these consumers belong to it’s the tech-enabled generation – the millennials. While it has been around for years now (see the phone in your back pocket or stuffed in your bag), tech-enabled conversation is the future.

The telecommunications industry has been through many great innovations that turned the industry on its head, with both telecommunications companies and consumers reaping the benefits of continuous and ever-heightening revolutionary developments. Telecommunications is the industry that literally keeps us connected, and so it is incredible exciting to see that the sector is taking on the suggestions of its consumer base. After all, no industry survives long without listening to the needs and wants of its consumers. With demand will always come supply, and the fact is that if the current telecommunications field had not been willing to move along with the times, then competitive industries would have swooped in and worked towards solutions. Thankfully, however, the telecommunications industry has been more than willing to adapt, and they are the best system to rely on, as they have proven time and again.

As millennials are now the largest demographic in the global population, they have effectively shifted into place as being the primary consumers for all industries, including the telecommunications industry. Reliant and expectant of solid connection and fast, efficient communication channels, millennials are the generation that has decidedly pulled the focus of the telecommunications industry to be driven around speed. As the revolution of 5G connectivity makes waves in the industry, it is sure to impress the industry’s key consumer base and improve the telecommunications reach the world over. In an industry that has effectively gone from strength to strength, a network system like 5G not only ticks all the boxes, but blows them up into the stratosphere, leaving behind universal connectivity and efficiency that far exceeds anything we have seen before.

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